Sunday, October 13, 2013

The History Of Air Conditioning

Air conditioning as we know it today is a rather new technology although a different form of cooling air and dehumidifying the air has been around for centuries. The ancient Romans used aqua duct water to circulate through the walls of the wealthiest homes. This is just one example of ancient air conditioning. The Chinese were also were also obsessed with cooling the air through water and wind. They used various methods to cool their interior buildings and stay cool during the hot months. In the 1800's one man came close to inventing what is similar to modern day air conditioning.

In 1820 British Inventor Michael Faraday discovered that ammonia could chill the air when compressed and liquidized and then allowed to evaporate. In 1841, John Gorrie, a medical doctor discovered that he could use compressor technology to create ice to cool his patients rooms in Florida. This discovery gave Gorrie the great aspiration of inventing the first air conditioning unit. He came very close. His first pro type leaked and was unsuccessful. He secured funding and his patent was approved in 1851. His funding partner died and he lost the money to see his dream realized. He later died in 1855 and with him his vision of indoor air conditioning died as well for the next 50 years.

The term air conditioning was first coined by Stuart W. Cramer of Charlotte, North Carolina in 1906. Cramer was trying to create ways to add moisture to the air in his textile plants. Cramer used the term Air conditioning in a papers filed to the patent office for his invention of a water conditioning unit which was required to control the humidity in textile plants. Willis Carrier took the term air conditioning and put it into his companies name as he used evaporative cooling to provide a cooling effect in the air.

The first air conditioners proved to be hazardous to humans health when the toxic gases leaked. The use of ammonia, methyl chloride and propane. These toxic, flammable gases tended to leak causing fatal results. In 1928 Thomas Midgley, Jr. was the first to create an air conditioner that used Freon. This was found to be much safer for humans but had disastrous effects to the environment. The use of freon is to be faded out in use of new products by 2010 and will no longer be used at all by the year 2020. In place of freon is the safer alternative Puron. This product will be replacing freon in air conditioners, and other refrigerator items like freezers and refrigerators.

Modern day air conditioning has improved over the years. The emphasis these days are on energy conservation and efficiency. The modern day air conditioner can come with all sorts of bells and whistles and most importantly is that it is available to just about everyone. The modern day air conditioning is affordable to everyone.

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