Monday, October 21, 2013

The Benefits of Routine Maintenance on My Air Conditioner

In order to ensure longer life for your air conditioner system it is very important you get the system serviced regularly. Why? When your system in maintained properly, you can always rely on it when you need it most throughout the summer. Regular maintenance can also increase the life of your system. This saves you from a costly replacement.

Unfortunately, many AC owners usually don't bother to service it periodically and as a result they have to replace it earlier than they should.

There are more reasons for regular servicing and maintenance of your air conditioner that goes beyond environmental issues. It is found by efficiency experts that air cooling systems that are not regularly maintained or not serviced uses more electricity than the systems that are maintained routinely. This leads to greater impact on the environment and your pockets as power bills are higher.

It's very similar to car maintenance. If you don't get your car tuned up and your oil changed periodically you will wind up with a car that doesn't perform as well. You also set yourself up for very costly repairs or replacement. Much like getting an oil change getting yearly maintenance is also a relatively inexpensive fee. You should expect that whoever you hire will charge less than $100 for a maintenance checkup.

So how often do I need to get my air conditioner serviced?

Here's the really great news. Thanks to energy efficiency and modern innovation, your air conditioner doesn't require more than one service call per year.

So what should I expect when the HVAC expert comes out to my house?

A good HVAC technician should:

Check Refrigerant Pressures

Clean Outdoor Condenser Coil

Monitor Voltage & Amps

Check Superheat and Subcooling

Clean & Inspect Blower Components

Lubricate all Moving Parts

Check Electrical Connections

Monitor Air Conditioning Cycle

Check Temperature Drop

Replace Thermostat Batteries

Clean or Replace Filters

They should also tell you the pricing upfront. Not charge you for overtime and should guarantee their work. While they are there you also have the perfect opportunity to ask questions about your system. A good technician should be happy to answer any question you may have about the system or its operation.

As you can see there is quite a lot involved in making sure that your air conditioner is safe and running at peak performance. Your time alone should be valuable enough that it is worth the maintenance call but if you still need more convincing consider that maintenance can also save you money on repairs, and plain old regular usage. An air conditioner that is not well maintained can cost you every single month as your system will have to work harder than normal to cool your house. Not only that but repairs and replacement are a lot more costly than maintenance.

Don't be the guy that has to frantically call the repairman on the first 100+ day of summer. Get your system checked out now so that you can take advantage of the savings, and peace of mind all summer long.

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