Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Do You Have an Air Conditioning Maintenance Schedule Yet?

If you have air conditioning, no matter whether in a small shop or department store, hotel, or office block, you'll really appreciate it, and know what benefits it brings when the weather, is hot or cold. It's important then, that you look after it, by having an air conditioning maintenance schedule.

Here's why.

1. You air con needs servicing, just like your car, or other appliances do. You wouldn't expect your car to work as well if it hadn't been serviced for years, so why should your air con?

2. Different sorts of heating and ventilation systems will have different maintenance requirements, so just because you might have known the schedule of a previous air con, or the system where you used to work, doesn't mean that this one will be the same.

3. Your business will depend on being open, and ready to trade, and no matter whether you're a small newsagent, or a large hotel chain, you don't want it to suddenly fail, and have all the associated problems. Can you afford to lose customers because your store is too hot or cold? Will workers be able to function properly if the office block is too hot or too cold?

4. By having an air conditioning maintenance schedule, any repairs that are needed, can be carried out at your convenience. You might want to have the work done out of hours, or at a weekend, or whenever you'll be least inconvenienced.

5. You'll want to choose a well known air conditioning firm with a good reputation to carry out the service, and any work that might need doing. If you don't know who installed your system, you might want to see who other people use.

6. Have a heating and ventilation system that works properly, will be more efficient and effective, and so it will be better for all concerned. You'll know that it is optimised to give the performance your workers or customers need,

7. Once your air con is working properly, you'll have the peace of mind that it's unlikely to suddenly fail on you, at a busy, or business critical time.

8. You'll also be reassured that prevention rather than cure is the best way forward. If you have any worries about your air conditioning, or want to know what the funny noises or strange lights are, then you'll want to get the system checked out as quickly as possible. With an air maintenance schedule, you'll be able to call an engineer out, without having to pay premium call out charges.

9. You'll want to ensure that your air conditioning saves you both time and money, so having it regularly checked, and well maintained, can pay dividends in the long run. Paying for a maintenance contract now, might save thousands in lost trade.

10. Most importantly, an air conditioning system that works properly, helps to provide a better atmosphere for staff and customers. Your staff will work more efficiently and effectively when they are at the right temperature; browsers are more likely to become customers if they're not too hot or too cold; hotel guests are unlikely to enjoy their stay if the temperature of their room isn't right.

Now you know why it's so important, you'll want to arrange an air conditioning maintenance schedule as soon as possible, if you haven't got one yet.

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