Sunday, October 20, 2013

Air Conditioning Thermostat - Adjusting It May Cost You Money

Our air conditioning units are running at the max with the summer heat.? When you leave the house for work, you shouldn't raise your central air?thermostat. When you return home and lower the temperature, the unit has to work twice as hard and twice as long to try to catch up.? What happens is that your air conditioner does not cool just the air but everything in that area.? That would include your walls, doors, furniture, and curtains.? In order for the temperature to feel comfortable to you, all these items will need to be cooled.?

It would be no savings at all if you are lowering it for 8 hours or while you are at work. In fact, it probably puts more strain on your air conditioner. Once you return home, you have to lower the air conditioning temperature and you are wondering why it won't keep up or why it won't do the job it was placed to do.? You are doubling the job.? It could take twice as long to do the area it had to do before just to keep it up.

The key is to maintain your temperature.? By maintaining the temperature within your house, it is cheaper than coming home after work and having your air conditioner run continuously for the next 6 to 8 hours.? There is one exception to this rule.? That would be if you leave on vacation.?

Most thermostats have a variation setting on it.? When you set that, your unit will turn on when it reaches the pre-set variation.? In other words, you may not want your temperature to go above 77 degrees before your unit turns on.? If your thermostat is set on 75 degrees and the room temperature rises to 77 degrees, your air conditioner will come on.? It is maintaining the temperature within 2 degrees.

Adjusting your thermostat also works during the winter months with your furnace.? You would need to heat your walls, doors, furniture, and curtains to feel warmth in your home in the winter.? But unless you are leaving for any length of time like a vacation, I recommend your set your thermostat and leave it. You can save money by not adjusting it every time you leave the house.

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