Sunday, December 15, 2013

Manual S HVAC Equipment Selection - Just The Right Size

When it comes to choosing proper equipment to provide central heating and air conditioning to a house, it's of extreme importance to have absolute precision when calculating the necessary HVAC load. If the calculations are too small, the homeowner may be stranded with a heating and cooling system that can't service the needs of the house. If the calculations are too large, the homeowner may be left with a utilities bill that acknowledges how much wasted energy this oversized system is wasting. Either way, the homeowner loses money, and the contractor loses prestige. That's why using Manual S HVAC equipment selection is so critical.

In the realm of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), the load calculation of a central heating and air conditioning unit reflects the quantity of heating or air conditioning a home requires. These needs may be exaggerated by any issues that cause the house not to hold energy effectively; for example, if the house is not properly sealed, then there is great amount of potential for air to escape from the home, making it imperative for the HVAC system to work overtime to heat or cool the home. That's where Manual S HVAC equipment selection can be very helpful in making sure that you choose a system that can handle the load of a home.

Manual S is a manual compiled by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) to outline the best practices for selecting and sizing HVAC equipment for a home. As the nation's largest HVAC contractor organization, the ACCA has hundreds of experts at its disposal, and it has compiled this manual as a guide for those who want to gather from these professionals' knowledge and experience. The everyday experience of these experts is what makes Manual S HVAC equipment selection so precise and so simple to use.

When you use Manual S HVAC equipment selection, you can be assured that the system you select will be the perfect size for the home in question. When a homeowner sees that the HVAC contractor is using Manual S to choose the equipment for their home, he can immediately rest assured that this new HVAC system will be able to handle anything that their home can throw at it. It's not only the perfect way to ensure that no energy is wasted, but also a great way to give both the homeowner and the contractor some peace of mind.

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