Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Is Your Office Air Conditioning Making Employees Sick?

The Dangers of Mold

At some time we've all found moldy food in our refrigerators. Although people realize mold is dangerous, many may not know that we are at the most risk from mold we can't see. Individual mold colonies are microscopic in size and can be easily inhaled, leading to a variety of respiratory and sinus problems.

Our bodies are not as well equipped to fight mold as they are to battle bacteria and viruses. As a result a small mold infection can lead to serious ongoing health problems. Because there is no obvious source of contamination, people often just blame the problems on allergies or a minor cold.

The most common symptoms of mold contamination include coughing, sneezing, watery eyes and headaches. However mold can affect any part of the body and people may also suffer stomach pains, skin problems, or even more serious symptoms.

Mold in Air Conditioning Vents

No matter how meticulous the office cleaning staff is, it's safe to assume they aren't vacuuming the inside of your building HVAC system. This dark, moist environment is ideal for mold to thrive in and the addition of dust to feed the colonies make your air conditioning vents a paradise for fungi.

What makes air conditioner mold so dangerous is that every breath of air you take has passed through the HVAC ducts where mold lives. Regardless of where the contamination started, it instantly spreads to every corner of the building. Regular replacement of air conditioning filters helps but doesn't solve the problem. The real solution is a thorough, professional cleaning of the ductwork and that is a service that doesn't come cheap.

Portable Air Conditioners Are Safer

Since portable air conditioners move air along a shorter path, there is less space for mold to grow. They build mold less quickly than central air conditioners do because the environment inside is less ideal for mold growth.

If you do get a mold outbreak, the nature of portable air conditioners is reduces the spread of contamination. Each unit is designed to service a small area so in the rare event mold gets in the system, it will be broadcast only throughout a room rather than the entire building.

Ductwork for portable air conditioners can be replaced periodically to ensure you are working with clean ducts. As long as the filters are replaced on schedule and the new ducts installed when the old ones get dirty, portable units are safer and less likely to spread mold than central systems.

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