Sunday, December 29, 2013

Functions of An Air Handling Unit And Its Components

Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems installed at commercial and industrial establishments have air handling unit or AHU as an important device. These units, as their name suggests, are important to handle and condition the air according to the desired needs.

However, the overall functionality of these units can't be explained in a single sentence. These units are made up of many components, each performing a different function. If you deal in AHUs, you must have knowledge about their functioning to inform it to your customers. The following sections discuss the functionality of AHU components in detail.

Function of Blower

An important component of every unit is the blower which performs the function of recycling the air present in the building. The air collected by the blower is conditioned (heated or cooled) and then released into the building. Air handler components at commercial buildings may have multiple blowers or fans for better functionality.

Function of Conditioning Elements

The second important components of an air handler are the elements that help in heating or cooling the air. For heating systems, there are heating coils used for this purpose. Cooling coils are used to cool the oil in the air-conditioning systems. Hot water, steam and cold water are among other conditioning elements used for this purpose.

Function of Filters

One of the most important components of AHUs is the filter. Apart from conditioning the air, it is extremely important to clean the air present in a building. Air handling units are fitted with filters that perform the function of removing dust and other undesirable components of air to make it clean and fresh. Remember that filters function to increase the overall life of an air handling unit.

Function of Humidifier

Humidifiers present in the air handling units perform the function of maintaining the quality of air in cold climate areas. In the absence of these components, the air may become extremely dry due to constant heating. Different types of humidifiers, including vaporizers and ultrasonic humidifiers are present in different units.

Function of Dampers and Mixing Chambers

Dampers are installed inside the mixing chamber of an air handling unit and they perform another important function. This whole arrangement is used to mix air from the outside of the building and exhaust air from the inside of the building in order to condition the air more easily and quickly.

Other Components and Their Functions

Different types of heat recovery devices are used that function to improve energy efficiency of the air handlers. Sound attenuators and vibration isolators are other important components that control the noise and vibrations produced by an air handling unit. Smoke detectors are also fitted into these units to detect smoke and prevent fire accidents. Duct pressure control devices function to control the speed of the blower. Sensors and controllers are other components that regulate different functions of these devices.

Remember that air handling units come in different sizes, shapes and installation types. The basic functionality of these units remains same, but the components inside them may vary.

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