Friday, May 31, 2013

Heating and Cooling Your Home the Natural Way

These days people are looking for the best ways to heat and cool their homes and are looking towards the natural methods provided by the Earth in order to get it done. This is a boon not only to the pocketbook of the people using the new systems, it is also a boon to the environment because of the way it uses less resources in order to bring comfort to your home. This will create a lasting benefit you will be able to feel now as well as a benefit we will all be able to feel later.

In order to make sure that you are able to get the proper amount of heating and cooling in your home, you will need to decide exactly what kinds of methods are right for your home. Some homes will use simply one approach like an HVAC unit. Others will prefer to separate each room into a single unit and attack the whole home in this manner. The manner which is right to you will help you to decide between geothermal ground source heat pumps, ductless air conditioners and traditional fireplaces. The more you know about each, the easier it will be to make a decision.

Natural Geothermal Ground Source Heat Pumps

The geothermal ground source heat pumps allow you to take advantage of the natural exchange which can happen between the ground and the water flowing through pipes inside of it. This uses a system which will bury coils of pipes under soil. This way the heat or cold trapped by the soil will easily transfer to the pipes and allow you to enjoy the hot or the cold water which will provide a good heating or cooling source for your home.

Single Room Ductless Air Conditioners

Many people have an older home or simply do not spend time in all the rooms of their home. This is when you might want to consider installing ductless air conditioners in your different rooms. This is a system which will have a single unit in each room of the home. They will all be connected to a central system which will serve as your condenser. This way you can either control the temperature of each room or have an entire house which is better regulated through individual sources of energy.

Going Old School with Fireplaces

While inefficient to heat the entire home, many people have been turning back to fireplaces in order to heat their home. There are different ways like pellet stoves which can be used in fireplaces which allow you to get the most out of your heating needs. In fact, with the right units, you can even heat your entire home from the unit which is installed into your traditional fireplace. In the opinion of most people, there is nothing which compares to the look and feel of sitting next to an open fire when it is cold outside anyhow. May as well enjoy the look and the feel to heat your home.

Air Conditioning Service - These Timely Tips Can Keep You Cool and Save You Money!

It's the beginning of summer: Have you had your air conditioning unit serviced yet? If not, it's not too late. "Better late than never," is a great philosophy to live by when it comes to servicing your a/c unit.

Air conditioning in the home definitely becomes a necessity rather than a luxury once the temperature begins reaching 90 degrees consistently. That is not the time to realize your air conditioning system is not working correctly.

There are some things you can do and some things that will require a professional. To become more educated on the subject, I contacted Tim Swan of Swan Heating and Air Conditioning in Fort Collins, CO and picked his brain. He said there are some things you can do before calling in a professional and paying a service charge.

If your air conditioner was working fine at the end of last summer then you probably just have a minor problem that's preventing it from working this year. For example, the filter may need cleaned or replaced. Or sometimes people forget that they switched the a/c breaker to "off" last fall, so just need to turn it back on.

Checking the filter should be a regular duty throughout the hot season. Once a month you should open the door to the unit where the filter is and clean it or replace it.

Measure the opening and buy filters that fit the space exactly. You insert them according to the arrows on the filter, similar to replacing a furnace filter.

A word of caution- always disconnect the power to the a/c unit before working on it. Also, if you're uncomfortable or unsure of what to do with circuit breakers or fuses, don't touch them. This is a good time to bring in someone familiar with them to check your system.

If the unit is making noise then you should check the fan. Different kinds of debris, like leaves or weeds, can get clogged up in there and cause some damage to the fan. If the fan blade isn't fixed or replaced timely, it can result in expensive repairs needing done to the unit.

The fan motor should also be lubricated if necessary. You'll need to remove the fans to do this on some models (don't forget to first turn off the power!).

Here's an easy one- clean the outside of the unit. Vacuum and blow away all the leaves, animal hair, dirt, etc. that are clogging the outer fins on the machine. Remove weeds or other vegetation growing too close to the a/c unit.

Concerning the fins- straighten any that are bent. If the fins are bent, it can restrict proper air flow. Most home supply stores, such as Lowe's, Ace Hardware or The Home Depot, sell fin combs.

You should also check to make sure the a/c unit is still level. The movement of the air conditioner can cause it to become un-level. This can cause it to run less efficiently.

Many air conditioners that are over 10 years old use R-22 Refrigerant as its cooling agent. The federal government is soon eliminating production of R-22 completely, meaning that an A/C that uses it will be useless without it.

This is the time to contact and consult a professional. For example, a Widget 72 Degrees System Rejuvenation is conducted by many HVAC companies, including Swan's.

This is a multi-point inspection of the a/c system. It includes a system cleaning, adjustment, lubrication AND adding R-22 if needed. This is crucial to take care of now before the price of R-22 skyrockets and before it is discontinued all-together.

These tips should all be considered when you're considering air conditioning service. Even though it's already the beginning of summer, it's never too late to get them taken care of- either by yourself or an air conditioning service professional.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Forced Air Heater

If you want to provide warmth to your home or offices in a more conventional way then don't look beyond installing a Forced Air Heater as these units are considered to be popular in terms of home heating solutions provider. These units are generally preferred over other methods because of its low-cost of installation and are effective in fast heat delivery. These units provide the necessary warmth to the desired areas by passing the air through a heat source using a fan or a blower.

Heating your home, garage or office by using a forced air heater is by far the most common type of heating and cooling system. The reason why these products are generally preferred over others is they can run on various types of fuel sources from diesel to natural gas to gasoline to propane to electricity to kerosene to oil. When you compare them with their counterparts you will find them to be relatively compact in size and require an electric power supply for starting and generating heat.

Forced Air Heaters due to its portability and compact size are easy to carry and can be used in your home, car or basement. These units are available in a variety of heating capacity on the basis of which it can provide warmth to small as well as large areas. These heaters are also available in a wide range of sizes and shapes and because of the portable nature can be easily moved around the house or work place. Now-a-days these units are also being used in the industrial sector for providing warmth in the desired areas.

Advantages of Forced Air Heaters
1. The main advantage of having this system is it can be used for dual purpose both in the winters as well as summers. In the winter months it can be used to provide warmth into different rooms by blowing hot air via metal ducts and vents. Similarly, in the summers the same system can easily be used for cooling your rooms as well.
2. This system features thermostat controls that can be pre set for maintaining desired temperature in the room. If at all the room temperature drops below the desired levels, the thermostat control automatically supplies fuel to the burners which produces heat which is again blown through the ducts.
3. Moreover with the help of these units you can easily filter the air and if necessary you can also humidify and dehumidify the air inside the room.
4. This system provides one of the most cost-effective way to heat a home or office as it is rather inexpensive to install and can also be used as an air conditioner in the summers. Because of these reasons these units are commonly found in Northern America.

Disadvantages of Forced Air Heaters
1. As this system distributes heat through ducts and vents, your wall space gets occupied due to it.
2. To force air into the rooms, the system uses a powerful fan which sometimes produces loud noise. The continuous noise can be a bit annoying for you and your neighbors.
3. The air that is blown by the system can be hazardous and there is every possibility of the air bringing all sorts of pollens and allergy to your home and office.
4. The heat distribution process is somewhat uneven due to which your rooms may experience warmer and colder spots.
5. You need to filter the air on a regular basis and the system also requires a bit of regular maintenance.

Does Stress Cause Baldness?

In others, hair loss may be a reaction to severe psychological stress. This may happen one to three months after a stressful situation. So if you've been under too much pressure lately, don't be surprised if your hair falls out.

"The medical opinion concerning the role of emotional stress in balding is mixed. If stress does play a role, however, it's only at times of extreme emotional trauma," said Larry Hanover in FDA Consumer magazine.

If baldness takes the form of hairless patches that resemble a coin or larger, you probably have alopecia areata. This is characterized by circular bald patches and affects about 2 percent of the population. Its cause is unknown and it may involve the entire scalp (alopecia totalis) or the whole body (alopecia universalis).

Fortunately, hair loss associated with any of the above conditions is temporary and will resolve in a few months. If the problem is due to an underlying disorder, see a doctor for the right treatment.

If hair loss is caused by certain drugs, discuss this with your physician so he or she can change your medicines. To prevent further problems, get enough exercise, learn to relax, eat a well-balanced diet and go easy on vitamin or herbal supplements. Above all, don't abuse your hair by giving it too much care.

Here are other practical tips from the Mayo Clinic:

How you shampoo, wash or brush your hair can also affect your hair. Hair is fragile when it's wet. Be gentle when you towel it dry and brush it after shampooing. The old rule of brushing your hair 100 times a day is a myth. It actually damages your hair.

Use a cream rinse or conditioner after shampooing to remove tangles and make hair more manageable.

If possible, let hair dry naturally in the air. If you're using a blower, make sure it's on a low setting and leave your hair slightly damp.

Use a wide-toothed comb with smooth tips to prevent hair breakage.

Protecting your hair from the sun can also keep it healthy. Try wearing a hat or a scarf, or stay in the shade. (Next: Causes of permanent baldness.)

Even if you don't have hair, you can still look good with Lumnaderm, a whitening cream that eliminates freckles, unsightly age spots, sun spots, blemishes and hyperpigmentation. When used as directed, Lumnaderm will balance uneven skin tones and illuminate your skin.

Choosing the Right Air Conditioning System

For many us trying to find the right type of air conditioning for the home can prove somewhat difficult, especially if you are not sure what you are looking for. There are a number of different factors that you need to be taking into consideration when it comes to buying air conditioning for the home. Below we look at what these are and which you should try to keep in mind when looking for the right units for your home.

Factor 1 - Size of Room
This is one of the most important factors you need to keep in mind when looking for air conditioning for the home. The size of unit you go for is dependent upon the size of the room that it is going to be used in. For large areas such as living rooms then you need large units with high BTUs. However for the smaller rooms in the home say a bedroom or bathroom then a wall unit or a portable room one should suffice.

Factor 2 - How Effective and Efficient Are They?
As well as finding air conditioning units which are energy efficient you want ones that are going to save you money also. This may result in you having to spend more on the system than you originally planned to but will make sure that you save money on them in the future. Good quality efficient air conditioning units for the home should not use too much energy in order to cool a room down when turned on in the summer.

Factor 3 - What Kind of System of Air Conditioning for the Home?
When it comes to air conditioning for the home there are three systems one can use. There is the one that affixes to the window, the ductless split or the central ducted one. As part of their refrigeration units most of these systems use HCFC (hydrochloroflurocarbon) in them which adversely affects the ozone layer. If you can avoid such units but instead goes for those that now use Hydroflurocarbon 410A as it is not only more energy efficient, but it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide gas it emits.

Factor 4 - System Cost
You can expect to pay on average between $500 (£300) and $1,000 (£650) for air conditioning for the home these days. However, how much you spend depends on the size, model and make of you unit that you choose. Also it will depend on just how energy efficient the units are in relation to the amount of cool air they expel and how much power they need in order to produce it.

In this article we have taken a look at a number of factors that you need to be taking into consideration and keeping in mind when thinking of getting air conditioning for the home. By keeping these in mind not only will you get yourself a system that is efficient but will end up saving you money and ensuring that this planet lasts a few more years.

Buy Cheap Home Air Conditioning Units

Almost all homes nowadays have air conditioners as they are now considered a necessity especially during the hot summer months. Home air conditioning can make a difference between a good night sleep and one having a restless night.

It can also affect your productivity during the day. For example, if your children had to do homework on a hot, humid day without air conditioning, you can bet their attention span will be greatly shortened.

Another example might be dinner and it would definitely be uncomfortable if you have to eat and sweat at the same time.

Nowadays, the cost of home air conditioners is pretty low. So, buying an air conditioning unit should not put great stress on your wallet. However, it would be preferably to buy air conditioners that have power saving features.

Since air conditioning consume a lot of power, it can increase your electricity bills quite a bit. Most new home air conditioners have power saving features that reduces the power consumption and help save your power bills.

The range is often placed using BTU. BTU means british thermal units and often use by manufacturers to indicate the power of the air conditioner. Generally the higher the BTU, the better it is able to cool a larger room area.

Among the most popular range are the portable air conditioners. As its name implied, it is portable and can be easily moved from room to room. You also don't need any other additional outlet for the hot air to vent out as in traditional air conditioning.

They are also considerably cheaper than traditional air conditioner units.

If you do buy a home air conditioner, be sure to find a certified air conditioning technician to install it for you or it may cause more problems for you down the road such as insufficient cooling or wastage of energy.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Central Air Conditioning and Heating Systems for Lower Utility Bills - 3 Important Criteria

In the U.S. almost all of the new homes constructed are installing central air conditioning and heating systems. The systems also have great filters and dehumidifiers which are helpful for asthmatics and allergy sufferers. The new systems keep the rooms at a comfortable temperature throughout the day and are more energy efficient than ever before. The energy efficiency of the newer systems is so great that people are realizing they will save so much money in the long run by investing in a new system for their older homes as well. Whether you are getting a central air conditioning and heating system for a new or older home, be sure to understand these 3 important criteria.

1) BTUs (British Thermal Units)

To have your central air conditioning and heating system operating at its' most efficient it is imperative that you get the right size unit for your home.Every air conditioner has a cooling capacity number which is its' BTU (British Thermal Units) value. The higher the BTU value,the stronger the air conditioner. However it's not efficient to automatically get the unit with the most BTUs. It is actually possible for a unit to be too powerful. If you buy a unit that's too large you could be throwing money away. The smaller the area, the fewer BTUs are needed. Normally 12,000 BTUs are needed for each 1,000 square feet of well insulated space. If the space is not well insulated then 12,000 BTUs are needed for every 400 square feet of space. If the ceilings are extremely high, these numbers will change since the same area will take much longer to cool and heat. HVAC Contractors are well trained in knowing all factors to consider when deciding how many BTUs a unit must have for a specific home.

2) SEER Rating (The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)

The SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating is the next important criteria to consider when you want a central air conditioning and heating system that helps you to have lower utility bills. The performance of your heating and cooling system is determined in a large part by your HVAC equipment's operating efficiency. The SEER rating of a unit is the cooling output in BTUs during a typical cooling/heating-season divided by the total electric energy input in watt hours during the same period. Each "matched system" - an outdoor compressor bearing unit that matches with an indoor unit - is tested and awarded an Energy Efficiency Rating, sort of like a miles per gallon (mpg) rating for your car. The higher the unit's SEER rating the more energy efficient it is. In the past it was normal for a central air conditioning and heating system to have a SEER rating of 7 to 11. But now with modern technology and vast improvements in energy efficiency expect to find SEER ratings of 13.


The ENERGY STAR is one more criterion which your central air conditioner and heating system should have. The ENERGY STAR certifies that the system consumes less energy than other models. ENERGY STAR is the tried and true, government-backed symbol for energy efficiency. The Energy Star was developed to assist the public in saving money and working towards protecting the environment through energy saving features and practices.

Products gain the ENERGY STAR label by reaching requirements set forth in ENERGY STAR product specifications for energy efficiency. The EPA establishes these specifications based on key principles such as the contribution of energy savings, consumer demanded features and verifiable energy consumption and performance.

The Effectiveness of Air Conditioners

At places where the mercury goes high, it becomes unbearable to tolerate the heat. The heat can affect work and other normal activities. The introduction of air conditioners in the mid nineteenth century hardly gained momentum until the first phase of the twentieth century. Commercial and residential applications of air conditioners and split air conditioners started gaining grounds from the year 1950. Till a decade back they were expensive and did not suit the budget of many. Today, the prices have fallen down, suiting the budget of all. You can still avail discounts remarkably from the MRP at an online shopping mall. An online store that sells the A-Z of products or one that sells only electronics and home appliances can be chosen as the best option. At such platforms you can come across all the brands. You can have an overview of the prices, features, specifications of all available brands. You can compare them and choose the one that is the cheapest as well as best in features.

The cool comfort of indoor air conditioning during summers steers many a routine activities at homes, offices, and manufacturing units. Even offline shopping malls, institutes, etc. facilitate a cool milieu with the use of it. As per the purpose, they are available in varying capacities and sizes. For indoor air conditioning, especially of your bedroom or drawing room or any other room, you can go for split air conditioners. You will require a small space to install the machine. There is no market difference between split and window air conditioners; few of the components of the former are bigger in size.

It generally comprises of a compressor, a hot coil (on the outside), an expansion valve, a chilled coil (on the inside), two fans, and a control unit. In case of window air conditioners, the fans blow air over the coils, dissipating heat to the outside air and creating a cold environ indoors. When it comes to split, the mechanism is a little different in the sense that the machine splits the hot side from the cold side of the system. The machines do produce noise but outside, not indoors. They require low maintenance; every season, you may require the services of an HVAC technician so that your system runs efficiently without interruption.

New Laws on Energy Efficiency Standards Encourage Upgrading Your Air Conditioner and Furnace (HVAC)

You might not know it, but something changed in 2006 that will affect the choice of products available to you when it comes time to replace your Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Don't worry, this affect on the equipment available to you is a good thing. The U.S. government has mandated that the energy efficiency of all HVAC systems installed after January 23, 2006 must meet certain minimum benchmarks. The benchmarks referred to are the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) and Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE).

In the years prior to this mandate being enacted, many air conditioners only had a SEER of 10, and furnaces had AFUE percentages of as low as 50%. New air conditioners must now have a SEER of at least 13 and furnaces have to achieve an AFUE of 80% or more. That is an increase in efficiency of 30% from air conditioners that were 10 SEER, and an increase of 38% for a furnace that had an AFUE of 50%.

Now, the government is not going to make you go replace your old system to meet the new standard-it only applies to new HVAC installation. If you have one of these older, less efficient systems you may continue to operate it as long as you please, but why would you want to? Many of the systems available today are actually much more efficient than the government has mandated, giving you the potential of substantial savings on utility bills.

For an average home, the lower utility bills alone could save a household about $600 a year. But there is more-the IRS is providing tax incentives for homeowners who upgrade their home's energy efficiency to meet the government's requirements for the program. This means meeting higher benchmarks for energy efficiency, but these are easily attainable with the equipment available today.

There is something else to consider. It is going to become more expensive to service your older air conditioner. It most likely uses a CFC or HCFC refrigerant, and these have been essentially banned. In fact, after 2010 these will be highly restricted, and your HVAC service company will only be able to purchase these refrigerants at a premium. It will be very expensive to use these to service your old air conditioner. There are replacement refrigerants available, but they are incompatible with older systems and can only be used in newer systems designed for them. You do not want to be stuck in one hot Atlanta summer with an old, inefficient air conditioner that doesn't work and can't be serviced, do you?

Given potential utility savings and tax incentives, plus the issue of sheer serviceability, there is plenty of reason to install a newer, more environmentally friendly system. But, it's also the right thing to do. Heating and cooling amount to approximately 50% of a home's energy use, so by acting to minimize this slice of your energy use, you are taking action to reduce the size of your footprint on a heavily trampled planet.

Air Conditioning Repair - 5 Things That Could Go Wrong With Your Air Conditioning and What to Do

There are a lot of different parts in your air conditioner so most people would prefer to hire a professional air conditioning technician to fix their problems but there are a number of different issues that you could check and save yourself the cost of a house call. The number one issue that people have is that their air conditioner unit is not blowing any cold air. Here is a quick list of things to look at.

1. The most common reason for this problem usually can be solved with the filter that is located in the air conditioning unit front panel. Most people can easily change the filter but because they forget to or neglect to (I'll do it next week), the filter ends up becoming clogged with dirt. Once the filter is clogged the condenser fins aren't able to breath and the unit freezes up. If this happens to your unit, change the filter and try turning the unit off for a couple of hours. This should allow the ice to thaw and the unit to work again.

To keep this from happening again, make sure to replace your filter as often as it needs. You can usually tell when it needs changing by holding your filter to a light. If the light shines easily through, the filter can continue to be used. If it is opaque then the time has come to install a new filter.

2. If you filter is clogged that means that your condenser fins might also be clogged, keeping them from working properly. You can use a brush to clean the fins off and often times this easy air conditioner repair will restore your unit to good working condition.

3. The third issue that might cause the problem is low freon pressure in your unit. Over time leaks can develop that will allow the freon in your unit to leak. While you can buy a gauge to determine if this is the problem, you can't replace the freon yourself. You need an EPA license to work with freon. This is why the freon pressure is one of the things that should be checked by an air conditioner repair expert at least once per year.

4. If the thermostat is turned down and the condenser fan fails to turn on, a burnt or shorted wire could be the cause. Sometimes the wires just get shaken loose so this is another easy fix.

5. Finally, as silly as it seems, if the unit isn't working, check all the fuses or circuit breakers to make sure that it is getting power. Air conditioning repair people report that this happens a whole lot more frequently than you would think.

Bottom line is that there are a number of things that you as a homeowner can easily check before calling in an air conditioner repair person. The important thing to remember though is that there is a reason that the air conditioner repair people require training to get their licenses.

It's because there are some potential problems that are too complicated for the average homeowner to fix. Make sure that you know your limits or you just might be creating more problems than you solve.

Benefits of a Server Room Portable Air Conditioner

Server rooms are essentially rooms that house computer servers and in the informational technology sector, the term generally applies to smaller arrangements of servers, while larger groups of servers are housed in data centers. Server rooms are at the heart of IT operations, and in order to prevent hardware malfunction and system failure, proper operation and setup is critical.

Unfortunately, in an enclosed space of a server room, the generated heat from equipment can quickly increase the ambient temperature beyond equipment specifications. The life and reliability of machines is compromised, and other disastrous results can follow, including system crashes, random reboots, and overall poor performance. With that in mind, it's important to keep your server room's temperature within the recommended ranges associated with your hardware. Keep in mind that the heat dissipation from your servers will require adequate ventilation and cooling, so this is an important step in protecting your equipment and ensuring maximum productivity.

Environmental Conditions of Server Rooms

Computer equipment ages quicker when hot, and for individual machines such as home or office desktops, the internal fans and cooling mechanisms are often sufficient at keeping temperatures within safe operating limits. However, in data centers and server rooms, this may not be the case. Modern server equipment generates enormous amounts of heat, and today's machines run faster and hotter. Moreover, server rooms may even be prone to "hot spots" which can build up behind equipment racks or near larger machines, and if not addressed, this can cause premature failures.

Increased humidity levels can also affect your server room because high humidity levels can damage equipment by causing corrosion and rust. Thus, preventing humidity changes and variations is imperative in order to avoid environmental conditions where there may be excess condensation, so the optimal humidity levels for a server room or data center should range from 40 to 55 percent. Lastly, another problem that can plague server rooms is insufficient airflow often due to the server room's design. As such, all of these environmental temperature problems and fluctuations usually call for the installation of separate cooling systems.

Why Buy a Server Room Portable Air Conditioner?

When it comes to computer server rooms, keeping temperatures and the overall environment controlled must occur twenty four hours a day due to constant heat generation. Relying on central air conditioning systems is not possible due to the fact that most systems are prone to shutoffs during weekends. Moreover, central air conditioners are complex appliances that have been known to suddenly fail. Window air conditioners aren't an option either, as most server rooms are usually not near windows. Instead, they are often located in interior rooms which presents a cooling dilemma for many customers.
Thankfully, portable air conditioners are ideal for keeping server rooms at the right temperatures because they have the ability to cool office spaces and computer rooms that house heat-generating electronics. This prevents computer networks, communications, and office equipment from shutting down when temperatures rise. As self-contained units, one of the biggest benefits of a portable AC is the fact that permanent installation is not necessary. In fact, almost all models include rolling casters that allow you to move the unit from one area to the next, making cooling server room hot spots especially easy.
Nonetheless, server rooms can't be cooled by just any type of portable AC. An ideal server room portable air conditioner must have the following features:
1. Automatic Restart Function
2. Ventilation System to Displace Hot Air
3. Condensation Tank
Automatic Restart Function

An automatic restart function is imperative in a server room portable air conditioner because it will help keep the unit running continuously, even in the case of power failure. In other words, you can still keep your equipment cool even at night or on the weekends when central cooling is not available, and in the event of a power outage, the air conditioner will resume operation once the power is restored without you having to reset the controls manually. We recommend models such as the Soleus LX-140.
Ventilation System to Displace Hot Air

Server rooms must have a means to expel heat from the server room. As mentioned above, many server rooms are located within the interior of a building, and furthermore, window air conditioners can't be used because of the security risk presented by an open window. The ideal type of portable air conditioner for a server room uses a vent hose to push air out through a drop ceiling or wall.
Condensation Tank

A server room's atmosphere requires low humidity levels because too much moisture will cause damage to machinery. However, because portable air conditioners act as dehumidifiers and whisk moisture away from the air, this condensate is collected into a condensation tank or bucket.

The Benefits Of Portable Air Conditioning Units

Can you imagine not having an air conditioner in your home or office? Many people fail to realize the benefits of having a portable air conditioning system in place. Most of us cannot imagine having to work or live in an environment completely at the mercy of the weather outside.

Portable Air Conditioning Units

When we think of portable air conditioning units, we think of that huge box taking up an entire window in a ground floor room and sending blasting cold air into a single area of the house. Usually weighing as much as one hundred pounds or more, these old appliances are quickly vanishing from the home appliance market due to their size and overall inefficiency. Many more options available can take care of your home portable air conditioning needs.

Portable air conditioning systems offer the cooling ability of larger air conditioning units with the added ability to be easily moved to other areas that need to be cooled. Whether you want to take the unit to another room or area of the home or even to take it to another house or to the cottage, the choice is there.

Portable air conditioning systems have fewer large internal parts so they require fewer maintenance checks and repairs than larger units do. This alone will save you a lot of costly service calls from air conditioning specialists. You can generally do any of the smaller repairs or service jobs yourself with these units. This aspect of portable air conditioning units alone is very attractive for homeowners.

Owning Your Own Portable Air Conditioning System

Most hardware and home supply stores have several types and models of portable air conditioning units in stock for you to choose. They all feature a variety of options that you can choose from as well. With the smaller unit comes the smaller price, which is yet another benefit to having a portable air conditioning system in your home. Some units have special ducting that allows warmer air to be properly vented to the outdoors, which saves on cooling costs. Remember that there are several variations of models to choose from depending on the needs of your home and family.

It is important that you take the time to do research on the various types and models of portable air conditioning systems in order to make the correct choice for you and your family's comfort.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Heating & Air Conditioning Scam Alert - Read This Now!

As a homeowner myself and a Professional Home Inspector in the Dallas Fort Worth are for years I just had to tell somebody about some of these ideas that companies are trying to get us to believe. I hope this helps understand some of these issues.

Homeowners there are literally hundreds of products and devices being promoted everyday in the HVAC industry that claim to reduce energy or increase the capacity of AC systems by huge percentages. Do not become another victim of dishonest contractors and ideas that offer to good to be true results. Listed below are some of the most popular items going around in the business today.

1. Refrigerant and Oil Additives- The claims being made by installing these into your AC system say you will see incredible energy savings in the 20 percent range! These additives have been around for a long time. There have been hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars spent in trying to prove these claims by research laboratories. Many of the results from these tests indicate no change in system capacity or performance. If there are 20 percentage points to be gained in energy efficiency then the top equipment manufactures will be doing all the promoting and selling not small independent contractors selling these miracle additives. Homeowners also need to be aware of the impact on the warranty of your AC systems. Most all of the major manufactures do not recommend anything in a refrigerant system other than the proper refrigerant and the factory recommended oils.

2. Refrigerant Management Devices-These add on devices are advertised with enough "Tech-No-Babble" that would even confuse a NASA scientist. The idea is that these devices re-align the refrigerant molecules into a rotating flow mass to reduce laminar flow and friction losses throughout the refrigerant piping on the liquid side of the systems. Again there have been thousands of dollars and many hours spent by testing laboratories to verify these claims and how much they could reduce your energy consumption or increase the cooling capacity of an AC system. The results are not conclusive in determining that these devices can in fact improve efficiency or capacity of a system. Any under performing AC system will seem to operate better after installing one of these devices if it is not up to design conditions in the first place. The first thing that should be done is to verify the performance of an existing system and make sure that all heat transfer surfaces are clean, the proper refrigerant charge is in the system, the refrigerant is not oil logged already and there is design air flow across both the evaporator and condenser. When these items are done and in place you will see that other add-on devices are not be needed to achieve the design capacity and performance of the system.

3. Motor Mizers, Harmonic Filters, and Electrical System Stabilizers - I like to refer to them as "Little Black Boxes with Wires". These are high on my list because they are one of the most common products I have seen out there and unfortunately for many they are even being sold! These devices will gain you as advertised by some companies 26-34 percentage points in energy reduction! I have talked with many electrical engineers about these devices and they cannot reduce the KW of your system by 26-34 percent period! Again if these types of devices really produced the savings that are claimed then the utility companies would be promoting these ideas and technology and installing them at no charge to the consumer to help reduce the demand on the utility grid.

4. High Efficiency Air Filters- I will no doubt catch a lot of grief about this one but I am used to it. I will start out to say here that having good clean air filters is a must for any AC system and for any homeowner. You have to understand a little bit about electrical energy and motors not to be tricked by this popular method contractors use to get into your back pocket. A dirty air filter in your AC furnace will consume less fan energy than a clean one! Now you can re-read this again and it says that; a dirty air filter in your AC furnace will consume less fan energy than a clean one! This is not a typo it says exactly what I wanted it to say. The next time when you need to
change a very dirty air filter in your furnace perform this simple test. Borrow a meter that can measure the amperage of the fan motor. If you do not have one or get a friend who is an electrician and take the amperage reading on the fan motor before you change the filter. Be sure and take the reading with the fan compartment door in place like normal operation. Take a few readings and record them over a five minute time period. If you are taking these readings in the summer be sure to let the unit run for a few minutes while taking the readings to get a fairly accurate and stable reading. Now change the filter(s) and take the readings again for the same amount of time and with the fan compartment door in place. You will find that the fan energy or KW increased by some amount. Depending on exactly how dirty the filters were before changing them out will determine how much change in amperage or KW you will notice. What you may notice after changing the filters out is that the home feels more comfortable and the AC system may run less to keep the home cool. This is where the energy savings show up if there going to be any at all. The increase in air flow across the evaporator coil because of the new filters will increase the fan energy or KW, but the overall amount of time the unit runs may be reduced resulting in energy savings. This needs to be understood very clearly because there are a lot of contractors out there selling very expensive and sophisticated air filtering systems guaranteed to save you a lot of money. In my opinion the best air filter for the money are the pleated type filters in the one, two, or four inch thickness that are changed frequently. Make sure that the filter compartment is air tight and that the filters fit well in the filter rack or frame and do not allow air to bypass the filter. You cannot go wrong with regular filter replacements and using good pleated filters. Now there is one other thing to know about air filters that is very confusing to homeowners and that is that air filters have an efficiency rating. The ability of a given air filter to remove particulate matter from the air stream is rated in efficiency by how much of the airborne particulate matter it catches by passing through the filter once. This efficiency is not to be confused with electrical efficiency or energy reduction.

5. Magnets- I guess as long as I am alive there will be someone or something that will come along every once in awhile who will make an incredible claim about magnets. In the HVAC industry I have seen magnetic devices promoted to treat water that is used in very large commercial and industrial systems instead of the traditional methods of using good science and chemistry techniques to treat water. In the residential sector magnets have been advertised to save you 20-25 percent in your gas energy bill by using them on your gas piping serving your gas appliances such as your heating furnace. By simply strapping these magnets on your iron gas piping they supposedly re-align and straighten the gas molecules in the stream of gas flowing to you your furnace before the gas reaches the burner section. Again this is just one of many devices and products being pushed on homeowners who have not been informed as to what is happening out there today. You may want to talk with your local gas utility provider as well on this one.

6. High Efficiency Capacitors- There are some contractors out there today who are selling unknowing homeowners new capacitors for their ac units because they are telling them the capacitors are out of the normal range or value for a capacitor. Do not fall for this gimmick. A capacitor is basically either good or bad and no in between condition. A capacitor will have a different reading in micro-farads based on if the capacitor is hot or cold. A warm capacitor that has been in operation will read differently than a cold one out of the box. Do not let a service technician fool you with this trick. If a capacitor fails either the fan(s) or compressor will not start. A bad capacitor is a valid reason for replacing a capacitor. But capacitors will not improve the efficiency of you're A/C system by any significant amount that you can measure or will see in a lower electric bill.

Social Stigma of Hair Loss in Women

Have you noticed a gradual and progressive increase in the number of hairs lost when combing or brushing? Perhaps after months or years of vain denial, you have realized that the mirror does not lie, visible thinning has occurred. You're not alone if you're experiencing breakage, increased hair shedding or significant hair loss.

Many women may cover it up with wigs, hair extensions, hats or scarves. Others choose one of the several approved medications or surgical procedures that are available to treat baldness.

Excessive hair loss or balding is mistakenly perceived as a strictly something that happens to men although women actually make up to forty percent of American hair loss sufferers. In America, one in four, or over 30 million women will seek solutions and treatment for hair loss annually.

First of all, don't panic! Hair loss or hair shedding is consistent within the hair growth cycle and it is normal to lose some scalp hair each day. The average human scalp has roughly 100,000 to 150,000 individual hairs and the normal hair growth cycle results in the loosening or shedding of about 100 to 150 hairs on a daily basis. New hair growth then emerges from these same previous dormant hair follicles, growing at the average rate of about half an inch per month.

Hair is composed of two separate parts: the follicle and the hair shaft. The follicle lies below the scalp and produces the hair strands that we see growing out of our head. The follicle is alive, however the hair strand is simply composed of dead cells that have no regenerative ability.

For most people, 90% of our scalp hair is always in a to six year growth phase (anagen) while the remaining 10% is in a dormant period (telogen), which lasts about three months. When the dormant period ends the hair is shed; these are the worrisome hairs we obsess over in our comb, hairbrush, on our pillow or down the shower drain. Relax, some hair loss is perfectly normal.

Baldness or Alopecia happens when the normal pattern of hair growth is disrupted. The normal pattern of human hair growth is growing, resting, shedding and growing again. If the growth pattern is out of balance, hair does not grow back as readily as it falls out. A family history of androgenetic alopecia increases your risk of balding. Heredity also affects the age at which you begin to lose hair and the development, pattern and extent of your baldness.

What concerns us is not these normally shed hairs, but the noticeable thinning we confront in the mirror. For a woman, thick, vibrant hair is our crowning glory, our vanity visible. A luxuriant full mane epitomizes the beauty of a woman and is integrally woven into our self image. Our culture strongly identifies femininity with a thick, silky head of hair. Throughout recorded history, images of shining, full bodied hair are associated with female beauty, youth, desirability and good health. Society unfairly identifies dry, lack luster and thinning hair with old age, sickness and poverty.

A dramatic decrease in self esteem is evident in women when their hair begins to fall out. Hair shedding is not physically painful, however it often causes severe emotional distress. We obsess over our thin tresses as we battle depression and self loathing. Women frequently become introverted and withdraw from the world. We avoid intimate contact and make futile attempts to disguise the quality and quantity of our hair.

Hair loss is especially injurious to those who have professions or careers where physical appearance plays a significant role. A young woman is especially vulnerable to the stigma of balding. Not until we are confronted with the loss of our hair do we fully realize how essential hair is to our overall person.

A woman's hair is at its thickest by age 20. Once we pass 20, however, our hair gradually begins to thin, shedding more than the normal 100-150 hairs a day. With aging, hair strands hold less pigment and become smaller so that what was once the luxuriant and thick hair of our youth becomes thin, fine and lighter in color. For even the elderly woman, significant hair loss can threaten self image. A woman's sense of sexuality and femininity as well as her establish place in family and society are often undermined by hair loss.

It is hardly surprising when a man starts balding. By the age of thirty-five about 25 percent of American men will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss and about 75 percent are either bald or have a balding pattern by age 60.

In men, hair loss is often perceived as a sign of virility, a demonstrable sign that his male hormones are functioning at maximum capacity. To project strength and masculinity, men often choose to shave their heads.

Although many men are quite dismayed by a receding hairline, research indicates that the psychological pain of hair loss does not affect men as adversely as it impacts women. What makes coping with hair loss so difficult is the frightening lack of control, the feeling of the inability to do anything to make our hair stop falling out.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

As we age, women face a multitude of changes and challenges: wrinkles, a widening waist, cellulite deposits and thickening ankles. It does not seem fair that for many of us hair loss is yet another blow to our self esteem.

Female pattern baldness or Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common type of hair loss in women and is genetic in nature. This type of female balding is caused by the chemical Dihydrotestosterone or DHT which builds up around the air follicle and over time destroys both the hair shaft and the hair follicle. Pregnancy or the onset of menopause may cause a fluctuation in the production of estrogen. Lacking sufficient estrogen to produce testosterone-blocking enzymes, testosterone is then converted to DHT on the scalp. The result is a shorter hair growth cycle, finer hair and excessive hair loss from shedding and breakage. Some women experience an increase in hair loss several months after delivering a baby.

Genetics aside, there are many other reasons why women lose hair. Surgery, extreme physical or emotional stress, hormonal imbalances, chemotherapy and scalp infections are but a few. Female hair loss can also be triggered by birth control medications, certain prescription drugs or result from the use of harsh chemicals or aggressive styling that can cause permanent damage to the fragile hair follicle. Excessive hair shedding may also be symptomatic of rapid weight loss from dangerous fad-dieting or an eating disorder such as anorexia. The use of street drugs such as cocaine will also exhibit sudden and severe hair shedding.

When To Contact A Medical Professional

Reacting intensely to the physical state of our thinning hair may seem like excessive vanity, but it is not. Baldness is not usually caused by disease, but is more commonly related to heredity, aging and hormone function. However, changes in hair appearance, texture and growth patterns may indicate serious health concerns. Hair is one of the first areas, along with skin and nails, to reflect nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance and illness. It is wise to pay attention.

Women's hair seems to be particularly sensitive to underlying medical conditions so it is important that women with undiagnosed hair loss be properly evaluated by a physician. If your thinning hair is a result of a medical condition, your doctor will treat these ailments and as a result you may experience significant growth of new hair.

Once you and your doctor have identified the cause of your hair loss you may be referred to a hair specialist or implant surgeon to learn about the treatment options available such as or hair transplant procedures to promote growth or hide loss. For some types of alopecia, hair may resume normal growth without any treatment.

A healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, hydration and rest can go a long way towards preventing hair loss and maximizing the potential of your hair growth cycle.

Although medical research is on going, the following have proved beneficial in growing and maintaining a healthy head of hair.


Poor nutrition is often an underlying cause of hair loss as the hair is a reliable indicator of nutritional well being. Discuss with your health care provider your diet, all medications and any supplements you may be taking. Dull hair color or dry and brittle hair may be indicators of a deficiency in essential fats in the diet, oily hair may be a sign of a B vitamin deficiency.

Recent medical studies have found that a high percentage of women with thinning hair are deficient in iron and the amino acid lysine. It is difficult to obtain sufficient lysine through diet alone. Lysine is important in the transport of iron and necessary to support hair growth. Lysine is found in eggs and red meat so vegetarians needs to be aware of this potential shortfall in their diets.

The amino acids L-Cysteine and L-Methionine are believed to improve hair texture, quality and growth.

Low-fat foods that rank high in protein, low in carbohydrates, can play a vital role in sustaining healthy hair growth and aid in preventing hair loss. Important essential fatty acids for maintaining hair health are found in walnuts, sunflower seeds, sardines, spinach, soy and canola oil. Omega 3 and Omega 6 Oils protect the heart as well as your hair so include salmon in your diet on a regular basis.

Herbal Remedies Offer Hope For Hair Loss

Discuss with your nutritional advisor or medical professional the benefits of herbs. The following natural plant derivatives have properties to encourage a healthy head of hair.

Hair Care

Always choose organic natural products to avoid the chemicals and toxins found in many hair care products. Harsh chemicals may strip the natural oils from your hair and lead to breakage and poor hair growth. Dye, hair straightening and permanent solutions are highly destructive to the hair shaft and follicle as well as the delicate sebum balance of the scalp.

Be gentle with your hair. Allow hair to dry naturally rather than using a hair dryer. A natural bristle brush is helpful in preventing damage. Do not style until completely dry. Wet hair is weak hair so handle with care. Avoid or break any bad habits you may have that pull or twist the hair. Try not to constantly run your fingers through your hair, tug at the hair and avoid hair clips or rubber bands that pull at and break off the hair. Minimize the usage of mousse, gels and hair sprays. These products dry and weigh down the hair shaft and dull the natural luster of your hair.

Avoid salt and chlorinated water when swimming. If exposed, always wash the hair with cool water and an organic gentle shampoo and apply a mild conditioner. Sun worshipers should make sure that hair care products have sunscreen properties to protect hair from the damaging affects of UV rays. Remember to wear a hat to prevent sunburn of the scalp.

Healthy Lifestyle

Hair loss is traumatic, however our hair is only part of who we are. I remind myself to keep my obsession with my hair loss in perspective and be happy with all the other areas of my life that are going right and in balance. Focus on the positive, eat well, rest well and be at peace with who you are. Remember, that for some, hair grows back as mysteriously as it disappeared.

Turning to the Right Company for the Right Furnace Repair

Interested in having a new HVAC unit installed or repaired at your home or office? These days finding a good one is not difficult considering wide range of machines available online on many websites. In fact, you can find all major bands on the same store. Many companies also offer heating and air conditioning services to both commercial and residential customers. You can easily get in touch with them by sending them an email, phone, or by visiting their showrooms. Many companies offer free and no obligation advice on energy efficient and effective air conditioning, heating and refrigeration options to their customers.

In fact, proper maintenance is one of the most important elements in keeping your HVAC systems in perfect running condition, and it also makes them more cost effective as they consume less energy and provide more heating or cooling. It is best to schedule regular maintenance of your HVAC systems few times a year. By keeping everything in perfect running condition by using the expertise of heating and air services will also keep your repair cost low.

As with your heating systems, your AC units and their parts should be maintained on regular basis. The heating and air conditioning services have teams of highly trained technicians that can check your AC units for wear and tear, and will also check and clean air ducts to remove dust and bacteria from them. Sometimes repair of worn out components is more costly than the cost of new components. In these cases, the technician will suggest you the best option and even change your parts. For all types of repair and maintenance work done by HVAC services, you will receive a guarantee for the work done by the company. This gives you complete peace of mind on the work done and that there won't be any problems in future.

Another way to make your HVAC systems run more efficiently is by installing new digital thermostats in you house. They are capable of controlling both air conditioning and heating. You can even have them pre-programmed to enable them to run at optimum levels that may cost you less money every month. With these types of upgrades, your system will run efficiently at all times.

In order to use the services provided by the best heating and air conditioning company, you should make a informed decision. Many contractors have their own websites where you can browse and know more about the range of services offered by them. Some of their services include sale and installation of new range of heating and air systems, air conditioning repair, remodeling, and maintenance service. The heating and air conditioning services also sell and maintain air conditioning parts, refrigeration and industrial cool room, and maintenance of split and evaporative air conditioning systems.

With so much information available online, you can easily find the company providing good services within your budget. These companies may offer maintenance agreements, whereby they may do system check-ups few times a year just to ensure that your systems are running smoothly. So go ahead and hire the best heating and air conditioning services for your needs to ensure comfortable summers and winters.

Mold and Your AC Unit

Mold is organic and is an important part of our our world. It is everywhere we go whether indoors or outdoors. It plays a very important part in our world by breaking down dead organic matter such as wood, paper, grass cuttings, leaves, decayed trees, plant cuttings and other things of nature. It does not belong indoors and should be limited. If given a chance, mold likes the drywall in your home also. You ask why, drywall has paper on both sides and is conducive to grow mold when moisture invades during a water leak or flood. It grows in your A/C Unit because there is a wet environment by the A/C Coils. The A/C Coils are a vital part of your air conditioning system. This is the area which takes water out of the air in your home. If it is not kept clean, your system will not work efficiently.

Poor quality filters can cause your A/C System to fail over time. We have seen this in many homes that were inspected and the homeowner didn't even know it existed. The extra stress placed on your system by blocked airflow due to dirt can cause your system to fail and grow mold on the coils. This stress on the A/C System can cause your blower motor to burn out and not cool the house efficiently.

As the A/C cools your home, it dehumidifies the air. The dehumidified water then drains off of the A/C Coils into the A/C drain pan and then runs out the A/C Drain line. There is always slime mold in your A/C Drain Pan. This is what causes a water backup in the unit. The mold and algae builds up and then finally stops up the A/C drain line. Some individuals put special antimicrobial tablets in the A/C Drain Pan to help suppress this growth. Special care must be used when using these tablets, some people are allergic to their ingredients and must avoid using them. The drain line should be monitored on a regular basis. Minimum checkup time is every 6 months. Look for the exterior location of the A/C drain line to see if it is draining properly.

Maintenance is important regarding your A/C or you can guarantee there will be a water backup or a leak if you do not. Have you A/C Contractor install an auto cutoff switch before the A/C Unit starts to leak. This is a good precaution to prevent a flood from you A/C Unit. If it starts to back up, call a proficient A/C Contractor that understands the importance of Indoor Air Quality. If you are not handy, consult with your A/C Contractor regarding a Maintenance Contract to take care of your A/C Unit. A/C leaks are the number one reason why mold grows in the A/C Closet. Sometimes we see it go undetected for 6 months and cause substantial damage. One of our clients was forced to move out while half of their 1st Floor drywall was removed and remediated for mold. It is not a good picture. Remember, maintain your A/C Unit and it will cool you for a long time.

Keeping the system clean is the filter's job. The average filter that comes with the unit is not a good quality filter. It is a typical factory filter. Using poor quality filters can cause results like mold growing on the coils. The cost of having a service call to clean or change the coils in your A/C System would pay for the high quality filters of at least 5 years. Using a fiberglass filter gives you minimal protection for your A/C System. The factory filter also gives you minimal protection from the elements in the air.

Our general rule is: Hold the filter up; if you an see through the filter, it only gives minimal protection from allergens, dirt, dander and mold spores. Our minimum recommended filter is a Merv 7 Pleated Filter. Look at the product label and find the MERV rating. They are available in Home Depot, Lowe's or your local hardware. As always, check with your A/C Units manufacturer to see if it the filter will void their warranty. This can be caused by using some of the too efficient pleated filters which can cause high arrestance of a Merv Rating. This high arrestance will cause dirt to bypass the filter and clog up the coils. We see this all the time. Remember, the filter company's only want to sell their filters and make money. I personally use Home Depot's "NaturalAire" Standard which is rated at Merv 8. II'm happy with the results of this filter. The only difference is, I change the filter once a month and recommend everyone to change your filter once a month to minimize exposure to allergens.

The Merv Rating stands for: Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. It is a test by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers. (ASHRAE) The number is so the consumer can compare filters. The higher the number, the more efficient it is.

Tips on A/C Maintenance

1. Most A/C Systems over 5 years old need to be serviced on an annual basis.

2. Routine maintenance can double the life of your unit and save you money.

3. Health risks can be dramatically reduced by proper system maintenance.

4. Energy costs will be lower by maintaining the A/C Unit.

5. Ducts should be inspected every 3 to 5 years for possible deterioration, contamination and leaks.

Trane Air Conditioners For Both Commercial and Residential Use

Trane air conditioners are one of the best in the air conditioning industry. They are manufactured by a company that brought innovative ideas to develop models that could help residents in the Middle West deal with the uncomfortable heat, especially during summer.

Trane air conditioners are perfect for both commercial and residential uses. There are available models that are energy efficient, constructed from durable materials and very low maintenance. Here are some examples for your perusal.

XR13 Air Conditioner:

This highly energy efficient air conditioner brings superior comfort to any contemporary home and cost savings. Some of its best features are Climatuff compressor, outdoor coil, louvered panels, rust-resistant baked-on powder paint, non-corrosive basepan and sound insulator. This unit has a seasonal energy efficiency ratio of 14 which makes it the best replacement choice to provide superior modern home comfort. Several models are available with various dimensions.

XB14 Air Conditioner:

When it comes to premium residential comfort, you can never go wrong with this air conditioner that has superior durability and long lasting reliability, making it a smart investment. It has 16 SEER rating that can effectively beat the stifling heat without putting a hole in your pocket. Some salient features are all-aluminum outdoor coil upgraded fan motor, corrosion-resistant fasteners, non-corrosive basepan and Quick-Sess cabinet.

XB13 Air Conditioner:

This unit provides standard efficiency when it comes to cooling a room. It is a combination of innovative components to provide you with a central cooling comfort, reliable and long-lasting performance. Some of its remarkable features are corrosion-proof fasteners, Duratuff base pan, rust-resistant baked-on powder paint, louvered panels and outdoor coil. This unit is available in various models using R-22 and R-410A refrigerants.

XB300 Air Conditioner:

Reliable coolness is what you will get in this air conditioner. Each model under this product line is made with great attention to details and finest materials. The units are tested to withstand daily use and are known for their durability, long-lasting and efficient performance, compact design and economical operation. They feature corrosion-resistant glossy finish, Climatuff compressor, all aluminum coil, heavy duty coil guard, manual charge assist and lighter yet compact design.

Payne PW3CAM009000 PA13AAM09000 High Wall Air Conditioners - 13 Seer Cooling Only:

This air conditioning unit is available in both indoor and outdoor installation. It features a ductless system, R-410A refrigerant, automatic restart, energy savings features such as auto mode, timer and sleep mode, wireless remote, auto swing, low voltage controls, cleanable filters and dehumidification mode.

XL20i Air Conditioner:

This ultra efficient air conditioner is a top of the line when it comes to excellent cooling and superior comfort. Some of its key features are enhanced airflow, efficient performance, ComfortLink II communication system, curable construction, quiet comfort and economical operation. It features a multi-stage fan, sound insulator on its compressor, 2-stage cooling system, louvered panels and Charge Assist for efficiency and enhanced performance.

You can find more Trane air conditioners and other brands from other online retailers. You can choose from wall-mounted, window-mounted or portable units. Prices vary depending on options such as tax credit or rebate offered by manufacturers.

What Is a Heat Pump and How Can It Benefit My Home?

Everyone knows that an air conditioner cools the air in your home and a furnace warms it. But do you know what a heat pump does? An energy-efficient solution for year-round interior comfort, a pump works to transfer warmth either inside or out, depending on the season. Heat pump installation can decrease how hard your heating and air conditioning systems have to work to keep your living and working spaces comfortable. In fact, in a temperate climate, a pump can take the place of separate heating and cooling systems! Research your options and bring in an HVAC contractor to install a pump that will help keep you cool all summer and warm all winter.

How Does It Work?

A heat pump does exactly what it sounds like: it pushes heat out of your home in the summer and into your home in the winter. Air-source pumps use a system of fans and refrigerant-filled coils to draw heat from the air outside into your home for warmth during winter and reverse the process to draw hot air back outside during summer. Ground-source pumps, meanwhile, draw warmth from the ground outside your home using a series of underground pipes filled with water or refrigerant. Also known as geothermal heat pumps, ground-source pumps take advantage of the relatively stable temperature below the ground's surface to move heat into and out of a building. In most cases, the warm or cool air is distributed through your home via your existing ductwork; however, ductless pumps are available if your home doesn't have a ducting system.

Benefits of Heat Pumps

Whether you install a pump instead of or in tandem with an existing furnace and air conditioner, you should see increased energy efficiency in your home. That's because a heat pump doesn't create hot air through combustion, a process that requires a fuel source; instead, a pump simply moves the existing air around. Heat pump installation should result in a decrease in your energy bills. As far as the system itself, heat pumps are designed to be quiet and unobtrusive, and certain units can be completely built into walls, floors, or ceilings, with only the duct grille visible.


When choosing a system, you have to consider the size of your home. A heat pump system that is not powerful enough for a large home will be ineffective, while a pump that is too large for your space can result in higher-than-necessary energy bills. You also must consider how much heat loss your building allows; improving insulation before installing a heat pump will help the pump function its best. Climate also plays a major role in how easy your home is to heat and cool. Extremes of either heat or cold will require specialized pumps to effectively modulate interior temperatures. Speak to your installer to discuss the specifics of your space and how a pump can best accommodate your heating and cooling needs.

Small Air Conditioners - The Guide to Better Cooling

Small air conditioners can take away the incredible heat and humidity of summer and create an oasis within your own home. Of course, this type of air conditioning is not the large, all encompassing central air conditioning that will keep the entire house cool. However, these types of air conditioners can keep your home cooled down quite efficiently if used correctly.

Summer is a great time of the year. The grass is green, the flowers are blooming, and you do not have to heat the house anymore. But, you do have to keep it cool. When the heat builds up in a home it is like an oven. There is really no where for the heat to go. You can create a cross wind by opening a few windows, but that doesn't help with the humidity. Humidity is the real danger in the summer.

Air conditioners are more than just a luxury. For some people they are a necessity. Keeping the temperatures down to a comfortable level is just one function. Small portable air conditioners actually perform three functions. First, they keep the area cool. Second, they also get rid of the humidity by evacuating the heated air through the vents. And lastly, it circulates, and filtrates, the air removing up to 99% of the particles that can be a carrier for asthma attacks or other breathing problems.

Keeping your home cool with small air conditioners can be both energy efficient and easy to do. You just need to know how they operate. It doesn't matter if you are using portable room conditioners or through the wall conditioners, keeping your home at a comfortable temperature can be easily done with a few simple rules to remember.

First, when using a small window type conditioner make sure that it is completely sealed from the outside. This means that you should use plastic, or some foam insulation to block out the heat from the outside and dust particles. You also want to create a tight seal in order to keep the cold air in. This will help the conditioner to be more energy efficient by not having to run harder.

Second, use a low profile type conditioner. Today, with the technologies that are available the manufacturers you can get very sleek air conditioners that are easy to use and very energy efficient. The big clunky ones use a lot of power to keep running.

Third, have an air conditioner that has some sort of temperature control on it and keep it constant. One of the problems that people have when using conditioners is that they are always turning it up and and turning it down. Keep it at a temperature you would want when you are sleeping. This will make sure that you are not wasting energy to run it harder when it has been off for an extended period of time.

Small air conditioners are a good way to keep smaller homes cool. If you have a larger home, a large Bryant air conditioner would help keep the whole house cool through a central system. Keep yourself cooled off this summer with a few small units by using the simple guidelines above.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Benefits of a Cool-N-Save Air Conditioning Pre Cooling System

Every household makes use of an air conditioning unit. Some people use it at night, some during the day. It all depends whether the weather is too uncomfortable during a specific time. Most instances, the air conditioning unit will be turned on to at least compensate for the discomfort. However, in days of extreme heat, an air conditioning system or unit will have a hard time circulating cool air to the area it is suppose to provide for. The air conditioning unit has to double its efforts to pump out the cool air because of its continued compensation and battle with the extreme heat from outside. Apparently, whenever this happens, the life expectancy of the unit will shorten and can end up consuming more electricity. This is true for many of your standard air conditioners especially old ones. Thankfully, there has been a breakthrough to help ease the problem and it is all going to come down to the cool-n-save air condition pre-cooling system.

The system is based on what commercial structures use. Like warehouses, factories and offices, majority of these structures have a misting system all over its air conditioning unit. If you are not familiar the logic of it all is very similar to the mist systems that you can see at entrance doors of restaurants and parks. In no less than five minutes your home may have one too.

When a cool-n-save system is installed, it is usually located above the air conditioning unit. It works to absorb heat from the air by using what they call a flash evaporation. Through this method, the room instantly cools in temperature and even if it is using water, there will be no evidence of it since it has completely evaporated. What works well with home owners is that the cool-n-save only turns on when the ac is powered as well. Both units rely on each other to provide power and water that is then thrown into the air or as mist.

Why the cool-n-save works well beyond any other standard cooling system is the fact that it is a simpler contraption compared to the regular bulky misting systems that you may have seen. For any home owner, installing a regular cooling system will definitely have to spend a lot of money because these aren't cheap. Unlike the cool-n-save, the machine is very small and accessible, it can easily be controlled. In fact, maintenance is easy and will only require minor cleaning.

The biggest factor that benefit a home with a cool-n-save is through its effects on cooling within a room is because of its patented control valve. Electricity is hardly consumed and if ever it is turned on, the consumption can hardly be felt. As mentioned above, it turns on and closes the same time as the AC so it feels like it is only an add-on to the entire unit.

Now that you've seen the capabilities of a cool-n-save air conditioning pre cooling system, does it not justify itself and its purpose? Make the move and have that instant cooling satisfaction in your home.

When Central Air Conditioning and Heating Systems Are Just Right

The most efficient heating and cooling systems today, are the central air conditioning and heating systems. The reason this is so is because they have the entire house ducted for the efficient flow of heated (or cooled) air and they do it with the precision of a computer controlled device, which they actually are.

When you have a self-standing heating or cooling unit, it has the tendency to heat, or cool, just the area around it and cause hot or cold spots that are very frustrating when you live in the whole house, not just that little area. The central air conditioning and heating systems that are commercially available have the flexibility to heat, and/or cool the whole house or you can select just the particular areas you want conditioned and at what temperature.

As you are looking to put one of these very efficient systems into your home, you will need to ask yourself and your contractor a few very important questions. What size are the rooms that you are going to need this unit to deal with? What is the total volume of air in your home? How much insulation is in your home and is it in the walls, flooring, and ceiling? What area of the world do you live in? Is it mostly cold, is it mostly hot?

Do you have the room under your floors to install all of the ducting or will it need to be placed above the ceiling? Do you have cement or concrete walls or are they wallboard? What is the composition of your floor? Do you want/need floor vents or vents mounted in the walls or ceiling? Do you have small children and/or pets?

All of these questions are very important before you talk to any central air conditioning and heating systems company you contract to do the job. They will ask some of these same questions and will help you find the answers on some as well.

You will also want to check out the efficiency ratings on the central air conditioning and heating systems units you are thinking of installing. There are several different ratings that are important for achieving the best electrical usage and for some of the tax benefits that are available for helping to make your home a little bit more Green. The ratings, depending on where you live are:

The Energy Star rating: This is a government-sponsored certification that is applied to many of the electrical units, regardless of what they are and it will indicate to you what type of energy efficiency this particular unit will provide. The Energy Star certification calls for the testing of equipment and given a letter rating to tell how "hungry" it is. Your electric bill will reflect a poor decision, here.

There are also other ratings, such as the number of BTUs it will use as well as the SEER rating which is an efficiency rating. The central air conditioning and heating systems that are currently on the market have all the benefits and have minimized the drawbacks that they used to have.

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Basics

HVAC, (the acronym that stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) means little more than a creature comfort, necessity, or a stiff repair bill to most homeowners today. Some homeowners don't even know what the acronym stands for in full! That being said, it is the responsibility of every homeowner to both know the basics without having to call Handyman Hank for help.

As the old mantra goes the best place to start is from the beginning, so let's begin by touching on a bit of history of the HVAC field. The systems inclusion in the home began way back in the industrial revolution when new methods of electronics and manufacturing became available, and lets face it, we got tired of sweating at work and at home. Heating and air-conditioning provides proper temperature and higher indoor air quality through mechanical engineering feats that are still being improved upon today.

The first portion of the acronym, heating, is most often used by way of a central heating system consisting of a boiler or furnace to heat water or air, and ductwork that provides a transport medium to move the warmed air throughout a structure. Typically the heating portion of the systems (i.e. radiators, heat pumps) is located in the coldest part of the home in order to provide proper circulation. Unsurprisingly, the invention of central air systems is credited to the ancient Romans, who created ductwork in homes and public baths.

Ventilating, also an important addition to HVAC, consists of the systems that exchanges, replaces, and filters existing indoor air in order to create a higher indoor air quality. Rooms in the home such as bathrooms use a more mechanical form of ventilation in order to reduce humidity and odors, while items such as ceiling fans seek to lower perceived temperatures and draw in fresh air through an open window. Your central air system also most likely uses ventilation in its process and provides high air quality through filters that eliminate and capture dust, mold spores, and other indoor allergens.

Lastly, air-conditioning systems work on the fact that cold air is the absence of heated air. These systems rely on principles such as conduction or chemical refrigerants to remove heat, therefore producing cool air. The ductwork that your central heating system uses is probably also used to disperse this cool air throughout the home. Some systems also use a dehumidifier to lower the temperature of the air as moist air seems warmer than dry air.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning does not have to be difficult, and through a little research you can become more informed and discuss your homes' system with your repairman effectively enough to keep it in working order. Call your local repairman or the manufacturer of your system for tips on how to keep your system running great.

Server Room Air Conditioning Tip - Cool Servers at Night

Run Air Conditioning When the Building is Empty

Most IT administrators don't pay much attention to how the cooling runs at night. They have the system set at the same temperature as during the day, or maybe even a little higher in an effort to reduce power load. However studies have shown running server room air conditioning at night means less load on the cooling system during the day.

The idea is you pre-cool your server room, bringing the temperature down well below the normal daytime settings. As the day warms up and workers start making demands on the servers, the temperature climbs but the air conditioning system doesn't have to kick in right away. The net result is there is less strain on server room air conditioning during the hottest part of the day.

Night Cooling Saves Money

Many city utility systems, especially in hot climates, charge substantially more for electrical power used during the day. This is an effort to equalize the load, encouraging businesses to cut back during peak hours on their electrical usage, particularly cooling.

By running server room air conditioning at night, your business takes advantage of cheaper night electrical rates. When you cool the server room below the normal thermostat settings, you are "banking" that cheap energy in the form of cooler air. Since the building starts the day off cooler, less energy is needed for cooling during expensive peak hours.

Some construction such as solid brick retains a lot of the daytime heat. Pre-cooling sucks the residual heat out of the building's walls, reducing daytime cooling costs even further.

Portable Air Conditioning Gives You More Control

If your company doesn't own the building, you may not be able to run air conditioning at night. The owner might restrict electrical usage at night or become upset at a tenant who uses power when offices are empty. While it's possible explaining the night cooling principle might help, another solution is to take control by supplementing server room air conditioning with spot coolers.

Portable air conditioners allow you to get cooling when and where you need it. Because they are portable, they can be rolled out at night to pre-cool the building and then stored during the day so they are out of the way. Some businesses install them as permanent enhancements to the building's central AC system.

Cutting back your energy usage helps your company save money, but using energy smarter increases those savings even more. Night cooling lowers your utility costs and, by putting less strain on AC systems during the day, cuts maintenance and repair expenses as well.

HVAC Prices Comparisons Between Air Conditioning Shops Online And Offline

When shopping for a Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) contractor to upgrade or replace the air conditioning system in your home, there will not be a whole lot of choice for you to shop offline. HVAC contractors usually don't have offices just anywhere around town, and going to Home Depot, Sears, or Lowe's will end in a disappointment about the maximal size of the AC units they offer - typically, with the biggest unit these home improvement shops offer you will barely be able to cool down a single room of your home! So how can you do meaningful HVAC prices comparisons? Let alone try to find wholesale air conditioners prices!

In this article we will go over two ways to find the right AC contractor for your AC system upgrade. The first way will include finding local contractors online, and the second one will involve shopping for home AC units in online discount stores, obtaining best possible AC unit prices and heat pump prices.

Finding local air conditioning contractors online

While not many small AC contractors feature websites these days, when you search for air conditioning contractors in Google you will likely come across companies that will connect you with several local contractors and after placing your basic information on the site, you will receive several calls from local AC contractors, interviewing you about your needs. Be prepared. Take some notes, and also feel free to ask questions of your own. Since the contractors will not be able to produce any quotes over the phone, get ready to schedule the visits at a common convenient time.

Always speak with several potential vendors and pick the best one after you've gotten the quotes.

Finding AC units online

If you are a handyman of sorts yourself, there is plenty of AC equipment you can find online today at a good price. Shopping comparison sites are many, and since they do not perform much of a service, they will compete on the price for the home AC units. Combine the information about purchasing AC units online with a thorough inspection of your home system, and you can now go back to finding local air conditioning contractors. The difference? You will be much better prepared for the price negotiations, and you may end up getting a bargain. At the very least, you will not be buying the extra features you decided you won't need based on the information you found online.

And the best part is, during the inspection of your own system you may find out that, a small modification, such as a dirty filter replacement, or a leak removal, can save your AC system from being replaced altogether! You never know! So, before doing any HVAC prices comparisons, take stock of your existing HVAC system!

Air Conditioning - How Does It Work?

If you have ever lived in a warmer climate, you understand how important air conditioning is for both homes and businesses. If you're stuck in a residence that doesn't have proper cooling, you can literally stifle in the summer months, sweaty and sticky, and no one wants that! Likewise, if you own a business, you need to ensure that you present a pleasing environment for your customers and visitors. Having the proper air conditioning units can alleviate this concern, but selecting the right one can be a challenge in its own right. Starting by learning how air conditioning works is a great place to start from, when you are looking to invest into commercial or residential air conditioning.

So, how exactly do A/C units work? Most of them are based around the idea of exploiting a simple refrigeration cycle to adjust the temperature of a room, or series of rooms. The original technique is thought to have originated all the way back in Ancient Egypt, of all places! Reeds were hung in windows, down which water would trickle. As this water evaporated, air blowing into the room would be cooled and moistened, a boon in the hot desert climate.

Modern systems are still surprisingly close to the original model, in principle, though the process is of course mechanized for efficiency. There are three essential parts to the machines:

1. Compressor- Located on the exterior air part of the cycle, fluid is introduced to the cooling system as a pressurised gas, which is then squeezed. When leaving, it is at a significantly higher pressure and temperature, and proceeds to flow into the condenser.

2. Condenser- If you're trying to identify the condenser unit when looking at a residential air conditioning setup, it is usually the large part with metal fins around the perimeter of the unit. The purpose of these fins is much the same as a radiator in a car; it helps heat to dissipate fast.

3. Evaporator- Now the fluid has recondensed to a high pressure liquid state, and goes through an extremely narrow hole into an evaporator. Once on the other side, the pressure drops, and the liquid begins the process of evaporating back into gas. This takes heat from the air around it, turning it into a cooler, lower pressure gas once again, and ready to begin the cycle anew.

This whole system is energized by fans or ventilation, which spread the air out and circulates it throughout the home or business. As hot air rises, this makes it possible to eventually treat all the air in any closed system. A thermostat automatically notes when the desired effect has been achieved, and can regulate the system by turning it on and off to keep temperature levels consistent.

Consult with a qualified and reputable dealer to inquire about different air conditioning systems and which is best for your needs. Ducted air conditioning, split system air conditioning, reverse cycle air conditioning and more, there is likely to be a perfect solution available for your temperature management needs.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Do I Really Need a New Air Conditioner?

So, you turn on your air conditioner to cool the place. The place does not get cool. So, you call the repairman.

He shows up. He checks your system. "I have bad news for you. Your compressor is bad," he says. "You need a new condensing unit. I can install it day after tomorrow, for $1500."

You, being the clever consumer, are suspicious. "Show me," you say. So he does. The cover is off the unit and you can see the compressor. He cycles it on. You hear and see the fan start, but quite obviously the compressor is sitting there and not running. Well, whatcha gonna do? It is not running. Must be bad. So, you sign the work order, and start figuring where you will cut back to pay for this sudden and expensive repair.

Well, congratulations, sucker. You have probably been had.

Compressors do go bad, of course. But most of the time, when the compressor does not start, it is not the compressor that is at fault. So, for your information and edification, here is my list of the things that keep a compressor from starting, ranked more or less in order of frequency of occurrence, with some indication of cost and time to make a proper repair. I will stick with those cases where the fan comes on and the compressor does not; if neither fan nor compressor runs the problem is obviously electrical and easily diagnosed.

Now, if you decide to try any of these repairs yourself, be certain you disconnect main power at the breaker panel before starting.

The most common reason that the compressor will not start is a failed starter capacitor. This part, depending, costs anywhere from $6 to $25 and can be purchased over the counter at any supply house. The skill level required to change it is low. Anyone can do it, if they properly identify the part and own a screwdriver and a nut driver. Some electrical tape and/or foam rubber helps here too. The capacitor is a metal can (usually silvery, but possibly painted grey, dark green, blue, or black)located in the electrical box inside the condensing unit. It will have two or three terminals on top, each with four mounting lugs, with wires going off to the compressor and (if three terminals) also to the fan motor. It will be held in place with a strap.

The easiest way to diagnose this capacitor is by swapping it with a new part. If you have a capacitor tester, you can use it. Otherwise, just get a new one. Remove the old capacitor (do not lose track of what wires go where) and take it with you. The supply house clerk can help you get the proper new part.

When installing the new part, which may be a different size than the old part, the foam rubber and electrical tape may come in very handy.

The next most common cause of a no-start is a corroded and broken electrical connection. This may occur anywhere on any of the wires associated with the compressor, but often is found at the connections to the compressor itself, under the cover on the compressor. The skill level to fix this is low. Parts cost is usually under a dollar but may run more if it proves necessary to replace any wires. Pop the clip that holds the electrical cover on the compressor off, then remove the cover. If there is a faulted wire, remove it from the electrical box, and gently work the corroded connector off the terminal. Be careful here; the terminal may also be corroded and if you break it you may find yourself with no way to make a connection to the compressor (which would require you to replace the compressor). Get an appropriate crimp-on terminal (auto parts store, Radio Shack, or Walmart), clean up the wire, crimp the new connector onto the wire, and put it back on the terminal on the compressor.

The next most common failure is with the thermal protector inside the electrical cover on the compressor. The skill level to repair this is moderate, and to replace it the skill level is low. However you might have to repair it because you cannot find a replacement. Typically, wires corrode off here and you will find it necessary to solder on a new connection. Use appropriate techniques (and rosin core electrical solder - not plumbers solder) and have at it. If you can find a new part, it will cost less than $5, typically, and saves you having to solder an old part.

Next on the list is any sequencing relays that are in the unit. These are not commonly found, but exist in some units. The skill level to make this repair is moderate to high, mainly based on the requirement to properly diagnose the problem. The skill level to actually swap the component out is moderately low.

There may be an electronic controller in the unit rather than sequencing relays. The skill level to diagnose this is high, and the skill level to replace it is moderate.

Next is the compressor itself. The skill level to diagnose this item properly is moderately high. The skill level and equipment requirements to replace it are very high.

Next on the list are any pressure or temperature sensors that may be present in the system. The skill level to diagnose and replace these is high, and the equipment required to replace them is moderate to very high, depending on the details.

Now, in some units with a lot of age on them, the compressor may run just fine when it runs, but is unable to start against the load of the system. For these you can obtain a hard-start kit. This basically is a device that stores more energy and, when the compressor is told to start, shoots more current into it for a second (gives it a "kick in the pants"). This overloads the compressor and if sustained would burn it out, but it is not sustained. Besides, when it gets to this point, who cares if it burns out. It won't start anyway.

The hard start kit costs about $40 and will often do the job. Of course, in this case you will probably be replacing the unit in a couple of years, but that is a couple more years for $40. Diagnosing this problem correctly is a fairly high skill thing. Installing the hard start kit is a moderate skill thing.

And that is it, more or less in order. As you can see, a compressor failure is a moderately low likelihood in any given case. The most common problems are things that just about anyone with a basic competence with tools can fix.

How to Find a Reliable HVAC Contractor for Your Home

There are a variety of strategies for finding a competent home HVAC service that is both responsive and affordable, but personal recommendations are typically the preferred method. Besides referrals from friends and relatives, the Internet can also provide valuable assistance in researching heating and cooling service companies.

One of the most important phone numbers that any homeowner needs to have handy is the direct line to a reliable and reasonably priced heating and cooling service. For people who don't have an established relationship with a good heating and air conditioning service, the next best approach to finding one is through a personal recommendation. You can usually count on family members, friends, co-workers or neighbors to refer you to a reputable HVAC service. If they've had a positive experience with a heating and air conditioning company, chances are you will too. If you're a new homeowner, then the previous owner of your home can usually give you some solid guidance on reliable contractors, repair services, and HVAC companies. These service providers will probably already be familiar with your new home's furnace, air conditioning system, and other major appliances.

The Better Business Bureau's Web site can also be a helpful resource in determining how well heating and cooling companies stack up in the customer service department. If the HVAC company you're researching has a BBB listing, you can tell at a glance how many complaints have been filed against the business and whether a good faith effort was made to resolve the complaints. The five complaint types that the BBB reports on are advertising/sales issues, billing/collection issues, delivery issues, guarantee/warranty issues, and problems with the service or product. The BBB also uses a 16-factor grading system, which can provide some helpful information about local service businesses, including heating and cooling contractors. Factors such as length of time in business, complaint history, government actions against the business, and whether the company has the necessary competency licensing are among the criteria the BBB uses to grade an accredited business. Although this is not an endorsement of the business by the BBB, it does reflect some positive things, such as the fact that the accredited business has made a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve consumer complaints. Businesses do pay a fee to the BBB to be reviewed and monitored for accreditation.

Another useful resource can be the Web site of the heating and air conditioning company you're considering. The level of detail makes all the difference, though. For example, a HVAC heating and cooling Web site that has a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page, a history of the company, a comprehensive listing of its credentials and affiliations, its insurance and bonding coverage, payment options, and contact information can provide a great deal of pertinent information.

Customer review sites can also shed some light on what actual customers think about the furnace repair or installation company you're researching. Any online reviews need to be taken with a grain of salt, however, because some of the reviews may have been planted by someone who's involved with the company. To further complicate matters, the unfavorable ones might have been posted by competitors, disgruntled ex-employees, or an air conditioner repair customer that's always finding fault with everything. So whether you're in the market for furnace installation services or thermostat replacement, ask around for recommendations, do a little research, and then throw in a dash of intuition for good measure!