Sunday, December 29, 2013

Vacation Proof Your Home

Six Months before

Call travel clinic for any vaccinations you may need if travelling abroad (Hepatitis A and B is a 6 month process, so start early!)

One Month before

Create a vacation folder and research activities you would like to do while there. Also put hotel and travel information in here.

Consider having a home security system installed.

Research kennels for pets or get sedation pills from your vet.

Get a house/plant/pet-sitter.

Two weeks before

Write down everything that needs to be done before you leave. Delegate things to other family members. Set deadlines for completion.

Arrange kennel for pets.

One Week Before

Pay bills that will be due while you are away.

Ask neighbour to pick up your mail and newspapers while you are away or have the post office hold your mail and paper carrier to hold your subscription.

Gather supplies for your pets including carrying cages.

Gather suitcases and start tossing in things you would like to take that you don't need now.

Type up a packing list that you can use again for your next trip. Print out a copy and put it in your suitcase. Check items off as you put them in.

Find out what amenities and supplies your hotel offers (blow dryer, robes, laundry)

Two days Before

Let a relative or neighbour know when you'll be back and how to reach you in the case of an emergency.

Ask a neighbour to park in your driveway while you are away or park your car in the driveway.

Ask your neighbour to put out your trash on garbage day.

Day before

Discard perishable food.

Turn fridge temperature to a moderate setting (not the coldest) to save on energy use and prevent other food from freezing due to lack of opening and closing of door.

Set lamps on timers to switch on and off.

Day of Departure

Adjust curtains and blinds so that the house looks occupied but so that people cannot see in.

Lock all doors including the garage door.

Lock all windows.

Turn down the volume on your telephone and answering machine. (So burglars can't hear that no one is home)

Turn heat or air conditioning to 10 degrees less than the temperature outside.

Unplug appliances and electronics.

Turn off water and gas.

Empty trash cans.

Follow this timeline for a stress-free preparation for your trip and a worry-free vacation. Remember, the key is starting early, so as soon as you know you will be going away start making a list of things to start doing to prepare.

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