Friday, January 10, 2014

Central Air Conditioning and Heating Systems - Understanding The SEERS Efficiency Scale

You have probably noticed a dramatic push towards energy-efficient appliances in the last two decades. Our federal government offers tax incentives to homeowners who purchase energy-efficient appliances in an attempt to reduce energy demands and carbon emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels.

Air conditioning unit efficiency is regulated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and given a rating known as the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio or SEER. Understanding the SEER efficiency scale will help you make the best central air conditioning unit and heating systems purchase decision, and help reduce your long-term energy costs.

Essentially a SEER 13 rating is ten percent more efficient than a SEER 12 rating. According to the DOE, adopting a SEER 13 standard will help save one billion dollars across U.S. households by 2020. Currently there is a debate on the senate floor about whether the energy savings from a SEER 13 standard is worth the additional burden to manufacturers of producing these highly efficient machines. Here are a few things to consider before purchasing your next air conditioning unit.

1. The marginal cost of SEER 13 pays for itself in energy savings

Central A/C units have an average lifespan of about 18 years. While SEER 13 rated equipment is more expensive than a SEER 12 rated machine, the improved efficiency will result in utilities savings that will overcome the additional cost in less than four years. After that initial four-year period, families can enjoy a significant cost savings for the remaining fourteen-plus years of the equipment's life.

2. The price of power fluctuates throughout the day and seasonally

During the peak demand hours of the day prices for electrical power spike dramatically. From about 2pm - 6pm more families use more power to cool their homes, run appliances, and otherwise consume electric power. Naturally demand goes up in the summer for the same reason. Utilities set their price per watt based on the total demand placed on the grid. With a highly efficient HVAC system, you may see significant marginal savings that will pay off your investment much faster.

3. The marginal cost of a SEER 13 is fairly low.

A new HVAC system can run as low as $2,000 and as high as $5,000. For every increase in SEER ratings, consumers can expect a 2 to 3 percent increase in equipment costs. For such a large purchase, this cost increase is relatively low so it behooves must consumers to spring for a more efficient unit, especially if they plan on owning their home for more than three years.

By shifting from a SEER 13 rated equipment to SEER 12 U.S. households will sacrifice a third of potential energy savings. Regardless of the legislators' decision, it makes sense for households to purchase the most efficient system they can afford. The decrease in energy consumption and drastically lower utility bills reduces pollution, improves environmental health, and covers the cost of the investment in just 3.5 years. Make the smart choice, by a SEER 13 rated air conditioning and heating system.

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