Monday, October 28, 2013

Air Conditioner Condenser Coil Cleaner - What Do You Use to Clean Your Coil?

A Clean Air Conditioner Condenser Coil is probably the most important thing to have your air conditioner running at top efficiency. So, what do you use to clean the coil?

There are a number of different things that can be used to clean your condenser coil. It does not matter whether you are cleaning a central air conditioning unit or a window air conditioning unit. What does matter is the type and location of the coil and the amount of dirt that is in the coil.

When looking at the type of coil cleaner to be used, make sure that the chemical being used is compatible with the type of metal that the coil is made out of. Some chemicals and certain metals do not get along well and should be avoided.

Also, if you condenser coil is severely plugged then a foaming type coil cleaner is a must have item. If the condenser coil just needs to be washed down and is not completely plugged then a mild detergent may be just the tool needed to do the job.

For many units that have regular cleanings, a good quality detergent similar to what you use to wash your car, will work just fine. The main object of the cleaning is to remove the dust, dirt, and grime from the coil to promote better air flow through the coil. If the coil is just plugged with grass or dandelion seeds them a simple hosing off with the water hose may do the trick.

If a foaming cleaner is need to clean a neglected or very dirty coil then look up your local heating and air conditioning supply house and purchase a coil cleaner specifically for cleaning condenser coils. Most of these products are for professional use only and care is needed when using and handling these products.

Condenser coil cleaning can be done by the homeowner if proper care is taken and it will keep you air conditioning unit running great whether it is a central air conditioning unit or a window air conditioning unit. Once you know what to do and how to do it you may find that you will be cleaning your condenser coil a number of times a year to insure top performance from your unit.

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