Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Portable Air Conditioners are a Good Value

If you find that you change housing situations frequently, or work office spaces, then you will be happy to know that during the blisteringly hot summer months when you need air conditioning, portable air conditioners will provide you with the best value because you can take them with you when needed.

Permanent air conditions tend to be quite bulky. As well, they take up a lot of precious window space, and obliterate your view of the great outdoors. As their name implies, when the day comes that you leave your apartment and head to a new one, that permanent beast is not going anywhere with you.

Instead, a portable air condition can be easily moved on its coaster feet to any room or location you desire. You can find portable air conditioning units that beautifully cool rooms from as small as 200 square feet to as large as 500 square feet.

Many portable air conditioners, unlike the permanent ones, also offer several other features in addition to the all- important air cooling. Many offer heating capabilities, and can dehumidify the air as well. Several also come with a two-way oscillating fan, which can be a real boon when used with computer equipment or in a server room where keeping the temperature down and the air circulating is crucial to the maintenance of the electrical equipment. You can have your choice of remote control or manual control. Manual is recommended for use in computer and server room applications. In times of power failure, most of the portable air conditions will turn themselves back on when the power returns. In terms of safety, portable air conditioners are required to use leakage-current detection and interruption plugs as well.

Another cost-effective aspect of many portable air conditioners is that they recycle the moisture in the room when the unit is on, and they use the water to cool down the cooling coils. This makes the unit run more efficiently and it thereby saves you money.

Portable air conditioners are valuable because you can take them with you wherever you go. They work in indoor situations, such as those found in a home bedroom, apartment, classroom or office setting, very well. In addition, they function great in covered outdoor room areas as well. Now your garage, workshop or outdoor room can finally have the same comfortable temperature settings as your indoor ones can. Even places like a faraway cabin can benefit from the cooling efforts of a portable air conditioner. Breathe easier when you plug in your portable air conditioner, because they help to improve air circulation in spaces with poor ventilation. This is just another great value that you can enjoy from your portable air conditioner.

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