Thursday, June 20, 2013

Heat Exchangers for the HVAC Industry

HVAC refers to the terms Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning. HVAC is the name of technology which refers to indoor or self-propelled outdoor environmental ease. Refrigerators and air conditioners manufacturing industries come into the category of heating-coil industry. HVAC is important in the design of standard of huge industries and their office buildings because healthy working conditions are required there. These conditions are optimal temperature and humidity which are controlled by heating-cooling technologies and devices, such as central air conditioning of a large volume of the whole building.

The products manufactured by HVAC industries such as refrigerators and air conditioners work on the principle of heat exchanging. The heat plates exchanging takes place through heat and cool exchangers that are the sub devices used in refrigerators and air conditioners. Heat exchangers are also called as thermal transfer exchangers.

There are two types of HVAC exchangers which are used in cooling and heating industries, depending upon the liquid used in heat exchanger or a gas. Usually, gas type plate exchangers are used in house hold HVAC devices such as refrigerators and air conditioners. It is also used in case of large volumes such as in big refrigerator systems, for the cold storage stores of vegetables.

The principle behind the refrigeration and air conditioning is based on newton's law of cooling. According to this, heat is removed from a body and its temperature is lowered down. For this process, coil exchangers are used. Heat exchangers are a gift to the mankind by the mechanical engineers. The pressure and volume relation to temperature proves this theorem of cooling.

In Brazetek exchangers, some tubes like structures or pipes are present that contain the liquid heat exchangers or gas depending upon the type of cooling machine. So, these units are fundamental and the most basic requirement for HVAC industries.

Brazetek exchangers are made up of materials like alloys of aluminum. And in these, tubes are joined by the process of brazing. These exchangers are of many types like tube and shell, plate, pillow plate, plate fin, and fluid heat transfer and exchange plates.

Water to air heat exchangers are also called as coils or air coils. The coils are made up of tubes of alloy of aluminum. The coils act as a perfect exchanger of heat. Example of liquids used in HVAC coils are water glycols solution, water steam or any other coolant substance. There are two types of coils present. One is cooling coil and the other is heating-coil. In cooling coils, heat transferring process takes place like refrigeration and air conditioning, where as in heating-coil, a boiler comes which does the job of transferring the heat.

In different situations like freezing weather in winter seasons, when the coils are exposed to atmosphere, they can face problems like freezing of exchanging liquid which can block the heat exchange tubes. And tubes can also get cracks because liquid expands on cooling. So, if the liquid present in tubes will freeze, it can damage the tubes.

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