Sunday, May 12, 2013

Why Air Conditioning Maintenance Is Very Important?

Today virtually every home and business in developed parts of the world has air conditioning, but few people know how to care for it properly. Air conditioning can mean the difference between comfort and excessive heat. However, if you don't take steps to maintain the system properly, you will find yourself replacing it much sooner than you should. Your cooling bills will also be much higher because the system won't run as efficiently as it could.

No one wants to be left during the hottest time of the year with an air conditioning system that doesn't work, and if that's not enough of a reason to make sure that you do regularly scheduled maintenance on your system, these additional reasons should add to your desire to. Here are several reasons air conditioning maintenance is so important:

• Systems that haven't been properly maintained don't work as efficiently. Dust tends to build up inside of air conditioners, and this is a major problem because it prevents the components from cooling the air efficiently, leading to longer run times and air that isn't as thoroughly cooled as it should be. You should have a professional HVAC specialist check out the condenser coil inside your air conditioner once a year and clean it out.

• The filter should be changed about once every one to three months. Changing the filter is the easiest way to keep dust and other allergens from building up inside the system, causing it to run too much or sometimes not even turn off at all. Filters don't keep all of the build-up from reaching the condenser coil, but they do certainly help. Without a filter, you'd have to get the condenser coil cleaned several times a year instead of just once a year.

• Air conditioners that are malfunctioning could cause moisture problems inside your home or business. This is especially true of units that are too large for the space they are cooling, although it can happen with older units that are at the end of their life as well. Any unit that cycles on and off too quickly actually fails to remove humidity from the air, which can cause mold and mildew inside your home if too much moisture builds up and stays there for too long.

• Room air conditioners could be opening your home to the outside air. At least once per year, a technician should check the seal around your room units very carefully. The best time to do this inspection is right at the beginning of cooling season. They will need to make sure that the seal is closing the gap between the unit of the case and the window frame. If the seal isn't covering the gap completely, not only could your expensive, cooled air be leaking out, but bugs and other things from the outdoors could come right into your home.

Your home or commercial building is a major investment, and caring for your air conditioner properly is one of the simple things you can do to protect it.In addition to protecting your real estate, you'll even be protecting yourself, your family, and anyone who's inside the structure for any reason. Today the quality of our air is a real problem, and some estimates show that the air quality inside our homes is actually worse than it is outside. Caring for your air conditioning regularly will help you improve the quality of your air a great deal.

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