Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Keep Your Cool With Regular Air Conditioning Inspections

It usually happens during the hottest days of summer: Your air conditioning system decides it's time to chill for a while. As the temperatures rise, you start to wonder when your last air conditioning inspection was. Did you have it done last year? The year before?

Proper Air Conditioner Maintenance

Air conditioner maintenance requires regular check-ups to keep your unit running properly. To keep that AC running smoothly when it really counts, look for a heating and air conditioning contractor who can help you with the following points:

  • Adjust blowers for proper air flow. A few simple adjustments to the blowers can increase your energy-efficiency by up to 15 percent. With an air conditioner running full-blast all summer, that small bit of energy savings can really add up!

  • Clean evaporator and condenser coils. A simple layer of dust can bog down your AC. As part of the routine maintenance, a good cleaning is in order.

  • Check refrigerant levels. Too much or too little means the air conditioner is not running at optimum performance, and that can take a toll on the life of the unit.

  • Lubricate all moving parts. Just as with your car's engine, all moving parts must be well-lubricated to avoid serious damage. If you ever hear grinding sounds coming from your air conditioner, shut off the power and call your maintenance expert.

  • Check and tighten all electrical connections. A loose wire might be all it takes to lose your AC during the hottest time of the year. Regular inspection should include tightening of those connections to ensure that the natural vibrations of the unit don't lead to a loose wire.

  • Inspect the drain. The condensate drain in your unit must be kept clear and open. A plugged drain can mean water damage in your house and a failing unit.

  • Check all settings and controls. Perhaps the problem is not with your unit, but with the controls and thermostat. A thorough inspection and replacement, if necessary, should be part of regular maintenance for your AC unit.

  • Check and change filters. The filters in your air conditioning unit should be changed once a month. Yearly maintenance should include a thorough inspection and cleaning of the filter area of the unit.

Finally, run the air conditioner only when needed. Many units will shut off automatically when the room reaches a certain temperature, but some older models will keep running. Blasting the AC during cooler days can lead to icing, and that can require even further maintenance to fix the problem.

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