Monday, May 13, 2013

Home Heating Systems - Three of the Top Choices

Getting your furnace system serviced in the bleak midwinter is most certainly not the ideal. There are times, however, when it is necessary even though it can mean longer waits and higher prices. Whether it's the perfect time or an emergency, it's best to pay attention to furnace repair recommendations to get good service. Here are three of the top choices in home heating systems.

Before we look at the top three, let's examine a few don'ts so that you don't get taken in by a scam.

Never take phone solicitations which offer "free" or "low cost" furnace repair or maintenance. These are often scam artists who are trying to bilk homeowners by telling them that their heating system has serious problems when there truly are no problems at all. Additionally, these "free" services sometimes can be fronts for burglary rings which are looking to come to your home and strip it of its valuables. Be smarter than that.

Carrier is a top brand of HVAC systems for all kinds of systems. Typically a little more expensive than most, consumers report that the expense is totally worth it. Also, Carrier offers excellent warranty terms and 24/7 access to their technicians and repair people. It really is worth examining your budget and getting it to stretch a little further to include a Carrier of HVAC system as an option.

Of course, there are also the "no brand/generic" options out there. Places like Sam's Club and Walmart often offer their own version of the top brands for all kinds of items. The main consideration here is whether or not the no-brand type can perform at the same level as one of the top brands. Is is just as energy efficient? What are the BTUs it uses? How about the warranty and manufacturer guarantee on this, is that comparable as well? If so, no-brand is a good option for your furnace system.

Another company which offers economical value with top quality performance is Lennox. Their old ad slogan used to be: "I'm glad someone loved me enough to get me a Lennox." Well, if you equate love with money, then "yes" you probably want to find someone to love you enough to get you a Lennox. If not, do a little consumer research. Are Lennox really that good? What experiences have people had with their Lennox system? Can you talk with some of them? If so, you will have excellent information to get your own Lennox system.

When you're an intelligent consumer who uses the information available to them, getting the best home heating system is a breeze! Use good common sense, information from the Better Business Bureau, and online consumer reviews to find the most value for your hard-earned money.

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