Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Can Air Duct Cleaning Really Reduce Allergy Symptoms?

Most people assume that if they stay inside, they can avoid allergy symptoms. This, unfortunately, is not true. Allergies live inside the home, which is why air duct cleaning has become popular for those who suffer from allergies or other respiratory illnesses.

Is Duct Cleaning Effective?

During a duct cleaning, a professional removes dirt, dander and mold from the surfaces of the vents and returns inside a home or office. This will reduce the number of allergens put forth by the HVAC system into the air. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, cleaning of vents and returns will not eliminate symptoms for those who suffer from allergies; therefore, when considering a professional cleaning allergen reduction should not be the number one deciding factor.

How the Cleaning is Done

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, cleaning should only be considered under specific conditions. These conditions can include, but are not limited to:

繚 When visible mold is present on the interior or exterior of vents, returns of the HVAC unit itself;

繚 When the homeowner is aware of rodents, vermin, or insects in the vents and returns of the home;

繚 When the homeowner can tell the vents or returns are clogged with buildup and dust;

繚 When the homeowner can physically see dust and dirt being emitted into the air through returns and vents of the HVAC unit

Studies are still out on air duct cleaning and whether or not it is effective in cleaning out the air and providing a better air quality for those who suffer from allergies and respiratory illnesses. Regardless, experts do agree that the amount of buildup inside air ducts can be overwhelming; therefore cleaning them out can reduce the amount of work an HVAC unit has to emit in order to push air through vents and returns.

Homeowners are encouraged to seek advice from the company that services or maintains their HVAC unit about air duct cleaning and whether or not they need it. Most HVAC services can inspect duct work and see whether or not excessive buildup is present. If it is, a cleaning can help remove that buildup and improve the function of the HVAC unit - this could potentially lower energy costs.

As with any service, air duct cleaning has multiple service providers. While most are reputable and will provide a quality service, it is important that homeowners shop around and make sure they are hiring an efficient and reputable provider before signing any contracts.


  1. I’m sure that it will help. I had also allergies before and doing air duct cleaning in my home help me to prevent my allergies.

    Duct Cleaning Toronto

  2. Air duct cleaning dramatically reduces dust and other airborne debris and decreases symptoms of asthma, allergies and other respiratory health issues.

    Duct Cleaning Ontario
