Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hiring Portable Air Conditioning for Hotels

Hiring portable air conditioning for hotels (that is, rented air con designed specifically for that environment) provides a quick, easy and cost-effective solution to controlling temperatures - a problem many UK hoteliers and hotel managers struggle with.

A hotel group can own the most beautiful hotel in the country, but if their guests find the rooms too hot (particularly during the summer months), they are highly unlikely to book into that hotel (or even its 'sister hotels') in the future, or to recommend the hotel to others thereafter. What is more, one poor published review can have such a detrimental affect on business; a hotel can experience an alarming drop in year-round bookings overall.

Air conditioning needs to reach all corners of a hotel
As well as guests' bedrooms and suites; the dining room, lounges, hallways, function rooms, leisure facilities, beauty spas, hairdressing salons and other areas throughout a hotel must also be kept at a comfortable temperature; not only for guests but also for hotel staff. Staff retention rates could be affected in the kitchens for example, if temperatures are repeatedly unbearable.

The hotel staff canteen, reception area, back offices and store rooms would also need to be kept cool, so that staff can feel comfortable and continue to provide good service. There is nothing worse than hotel employees' irritation (at working in sweltering conditions) being transmitted to hotel guests and non-residents; providing adequate air con throughout a hotel means that should not be an issue.

But air conditioning for hotels can often need to be much more specific than just relating to temperature control in rooms, suites, dining areas and kitchens, etc.; also consider:

- Specific events - a hotel venue will have difficulty getting repeat business if their events room/hall is simply too hot and non-resident guests cannot enjoy their visit. Wedding receptions, business networking events, company and organisation AGMs... these can attract hundreds of non-residents; to lose this trade would seriously impact upon hotel income.

- Conservatories, sunrooms, orangeries, etc. - as beautiful and as wonderfully relaxing as these hotel areas can be for guests and non-residents, people will not remain in them for long if there is no cool air provided to nicely balance the sunrays beating down through all that glass.

- Compass points - the air conditioning units in south-facing hotel rooms are usually put through their paces more than other areas of the hotel, but few hoteliers and hotel designers consider this when choosing and installing an air con system or servicing them.

- Hotel extensions - many hotels have different types and sizes of extensions built on to their main building. When tailoring conditioning specifically for these areas, it is important to take into account the materials they are made from, as these can be key determinants of heat retention levels. Built-in ventilation, roof-types, insulation... all can be factors when it comes to temperature levels in extended hotel interiors.

- Room uses - a hotel dining room during breakfast may be at the perfect temperature for guests and staff (with most guests entering on rotation) but if the room is also to be used for events such balls, parties and discos etc., the increased attendance (and the electrical equipment used) could mean the environment becomes much too warm, to the point where guests continually seek fresh air outside, choose to leave early, or even become ill.

'Built-in' air conditioning systems are not always the answer
Of course, the vast majority of hotels across the UK have fixed or 'built-in' air conditioning systems that, for the most part, work perfectly well. But many still do not. Perhaps surprisingly, replacing a faulty and unreliable air conditioning system is often placed way down the list of priorities when hotel management teams discuss ways to tackle any current issues and/or ways to improve their current service.

If a fitted air conditioning system fails, hoteliers without a contingency plan will lose money. But a specialist hire company would know exactly which portable air conditioning units are most appropriate for the setting and be able to get them on site quickly. Therefore, in the event of an air conditioning crisis, the hotel could continue to trade normally, with guests almost being wholly unaware that there has been any kind of air conditioning problem.

As well as being the ideal emergency back-up option, portable air conditioning units are energy efficient, environmentally-friendly, and can be:

- Used immediately;

- Easily stored;

- Rented on a short contract basis, and then returned. With some rooms and entertainment areas only being used during certain months of the year (e.g., for summer weddings), this makes portable air conditioning units for hire a cost-effective alternative to a fixed system;

- The perfect 'stop gap' between the removal of an existing (fixed) air conditioning system at a hotel, and the installation of a new one;

- Added to an existing hotel air conditioning solution when extra air conditioning is required.

Ensuring repeat business
Creating a comfortable hotel environment goes way beyond investing in sumptuous sofas for the hotel lounge(s), and luxurious pocket-sprung mattresses for the beds in the individual rooms and suites... Few guests will ever rave about the quality of the indoor environment at a hotel but get it wrong, and they are sure to start complaining and won't book in again.

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