Friday, February 7, 2014

A Brief Lecture on Air Source Heat Pump

Do you have any idea about air source heat pump and the function they perform?

Well, today I will do a brief synopsis about this specific form of heating mechanism... If you have seen an air conditioning machine, then it will be easier for you to catch on the concept of the air source heat pump device that is somewhat similar but in a reverse way of working.

While the air conditioning devices are specifically designed to undergo the function of cooling the air of the room, these specific heat pumping devices are used to not only cool the air but also heat up the air in the best possible way. Not only do the heat pumping devices performs these specific functions but also have the speciality to perform heating up of the water.

These are considered one of the finest heating devices to be installed in the buildings due to some useful features it provides for.

The basic fact that makes this heating device immensely popular is the involvement of electricity while running the device. Yes, a very low or better to say minimal amount of electricity is required in order to make the heat pumping device function for. While the normal resistant heating systems do require a large amount of electricity to run and function, these air source heat pumps require only half or three fourth of the total electricity used by the resistant heater systems to carry on with functioning.

Next, these heating pumps have few movable parts. As a result, a lot of effort as well costing required to maintain these movable parts is saved. The only thing that needs to be taken care of is that the doors that are used for exchange of heat through the device should be kept free from all impurities like dry leaves and debris.

The device is less prone to accident and other risks. Why? It is because the device does not use those sorts of fuels that produce for extreme flames. Instead, it runs simply on electricity.

While normal heaters have only single performing functions, these specific devices are of multifunctional type. These devices not only perform the function of heating up of the air, but also have the ability to heat up water as well. Other than these features, these devices can be also used as air conditioning devices during the warm climatic conditions and as an air- heating device during the mild cold conditions.

Finally, these devices provide for an alternate way of heating when the pump is serviced and is non- functional in character. The alternate heating mode is provided by the presence of auxiliary heating devices attached to the device.

But one thing needs to be taken into consideration while using the air source heat pump devices. You should never use them with the conventional heating systems. It is always better to use them with some installable underfloor heating devices to get the maximum benefit.

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