Friday, November 15, 2013

Fixing Your Office Air Conditioning System

If you work in an office environment, you have no doubt had struggles with the air conditioning. In offices you often find that half the building is too hot, whilst the other half of the building is too cold. So what can you do to fix the air conditioning in an office? Below is a guide as to why the air conditioner in an office causes so many problems and a guide to how you can fix it or prevent problems from occurring.

Why It Occurs - So why do air conditioning problems occur in the office? The main reason is that different sides of an office have different heat loads. What you will usually find is that the sun will shine on one half of the building making this area hot. The people on this side run the air conditioner to cool themselves down. The office space on the other side of the building has no sun shining on it, and this area may already be cold. When the air conditioner goes on, the unlucky people on the cold side of the office get very cold whilst the other side sits in comfort. At the end of the day, the reverse often happens where the sun is now warming the other side of the office, so the other side encounters problems.

Another common office air conditioning problem is that different people have different requirements. Some people like it warm whilst others prefer the cool. It is hard to find a group of people who all want the same temperature setting in a room.

Fixing With Temperature Control - Temperature control systems can fix the common air conditioning office problem. A temperature control system will allow each side of the office to choose their own individual temperature settings. This will keep both sides of the office comfortable. These systems can be quoted with a system, or added to an existing system.

Install Separate Units - The installation of separate air conditioning units can really help in an office setting. Multiple units will give the users more temperature control, rather than simply using one large air conditioner to service a whole floor or level.

So hopefully these tips will help you win the war of the office air conditioner.

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