Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Heat Pumps Vs Solar Water Geysers

Heat pumps and Solar Water Geysers have been created for the same purpose of maximizing environmental resources and reducing electricity bill while providing heat to a home or an office space. Heat pumps use the heat from an outside source to transfer it to an inside space while consuming very little energy in doing so.

A Solar Water Geyser on the other hand provides for hot water using a free source of energy - the sun. If you're wondering what would be the best one to purchase for your home, read on to gain a few more insights in helping you making a choice between the two.

Heat pumps transfer heat from the air, ground or water into the house using a certain amount of electricity that is used to enhance the heat. Solar water geysers use the sun's heat absorbed from panels installed on the roof. Heat pumps use electricity, while solar water geysers do not use any at all. Both systems have been proven to save energy but savings from using a solar water geyser is proven to be higher in comparison to using a heat pump.

However, savings for the heat pump is more consistent compared to the solar powered heating system and this is because sunlight hours vary, therefore it's not able to provide 100% of its function all the time. In the summer, solar water geysers can function perfectly, but during winter when there is a difference in the solar irradiance and when people need more heat, they are unable to function as perfectly.

Heat pumps can be used day and night and is not weather dependent while this might not be applicable to solar water geysers whose main energy source is the sun. Backup electric heating features are installed on solar water geysers to compensate for this problem but of course this affects its energy saving potential.

In terms of the cost for putting up either system, it may depend on the size and quality of the device a person wants. Solar geysers are basically made of simple materials so they are quite cheaper compared to the cost of heat pumps. The price of installation for the solar geyser may be higher considering that the solar panels have to be installed in multiple locations all over a house and it might even require some renovation to be done.

Heat pumps are easier and faster to install and there's no need for renovation or major changes. Even if you want to cover a large area, you just might need to install another unit and that's it. In choosing which heating system to install, the size and design of the house should also be considered to determine which unit and what type would be most suitable, also because solar water geysers may not be fit for any type of roof.

Solar panels are susceptible to damage from freezing and other weather conditions as they are usually placed on the roof. They are presumed to have a shorter life-span compared to a heat pump which has an average lifespan of 10-15 years. Either system would be a good investment and would serve the purpose of providing heat, helping preserve the environment, and reducing electricity consumption.

In deciding which one to install on your home or office, consider the following: the size of the home/office, the capital you have for the initial purchase and the estimated or projected savings that is expected to get afterwards.

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