Thursday, January 23, 2014

Air Conditioning - The History of Air Conditioning

Just like a long summer day, the history of air conditioning spans over centuries in time. Many people do not think about how this modern day convenience has evolved over time. Their main concern is that when they turn on the thermostat, the system provides immediate relief and comfort from the heat outdoors. But, just like most of today's technology, the cooling industry has come a long way. And, one can venture to say that it has more advances just waiting to be explored and developed. So, the next time you turn on the AC, you will be grateful to all those who came before you to provide this service.

The process of air conditioning involves dehumidifying indoor air to the thermal comfort set by the thermostat. Broadly, the term refers to any form of cooling, heating and ventilation that is supposed to modify the condition of the air. As far back as ancient Rome, this concept has served mankind. Back then, the wealthy Romans had aqueduct water that was circulated throughout the walls to provide cooling temperatures. Following Rome, medieval Persia used cisterns and wind towers that cooled houses and building during the hot summer season. A Chinese inventor, Ding Huan, of the Han Dynasty, invented a rotary fan during the 2nd century. This device had seven wheels and was powered manually.

By the 8th century, the Cool Hall was built in the imperial palace, and included water powered fan wheels used for air conditioning. Rising jet streams of water from fountains were also used. Egyptians invented ventilators which were used in Cairo during the middle ages. This system was not just for the rich; nearly every household in Cairo had a ventilator.

Benjamin Franklin and John Hadley, a chemist, were involved in an experiment in 1758 involving the principle of evaporation to rapidly cool object. The experiment confirmed the theory. Using highly volatile liquids could decrease the temperature of an object past freezing. More than 60 years later, a British scientist and inventor named Michael Faraday made another discovery. Compressing and liquefying ammonia would chill the air when the ammonia evaporated.

During the 19th century, advances in chemistry have given us the modern systems of air conditioning with which we are most familiar. Willis Havilland Carrier invented the first large scale electrical system in 1902. These are but a few honorary mentions who have contributed to our present day enjoyment of cool air. So as you can see, we have many societies and individuals to thank.

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