Thursday, December 12, 2013

4 Ways to Prevent Common Air Conditioner Problems

There's nothing more frustrating than encountering air conditioner problems at the height of summer. With blazing heat outside and smothering humidity, even the most minor issue with a home air conditioner can become a miniature crisis. Productivity grinds to a standstill, heat becomes a work-killer, and relaxation can become an impossibility.

Luckily, most A/C problems are easily preventable with routine maintenance and proper operation. We've looked at the top causes of air condition issues and come away with some great, if potentially alarming, news. Here are a few tips.

Use your A/C regularly.

That's right - using your air condition system more often actually prevents it from breaking down and causing long-term problems. Not unlike other consumer electronics goods, conditioners become significantly more effective when turned on for long periods of time.

As tempting as it may be to switch your A/C on and off every few minutes, it's always best to keep your system running. Think of your air conditioner like you would a car; it's the stops and starts that use gasoline and wear on the engine, not the steady cruising.

Keep it serviced, cleaned, and dust-free.

We recommend servicing your air conditioning system twice annually to keep maintenance issues and allergy-related problems down. Most home air conditioning systems run into problems during a new period of heavy use preceded by inactivity. Keep your air conditioner operational and serviced throughout the year and you'll enjoy a summer free of technical issues.

Know your home ventilation layout.

It's amazing - and slightly worrying - how many air conditioner problems arise due to misplaced nails, do-it-yourself home projects, or amateur 'repairs.' The most common issue tends to rest not with the air condition unit itself, but with the ventilation system it's attached to.

By knowing the basic layout of your home's ventilation system, you'll eliminate the risk of tears and cuts in your A/C drainage system. It's amazing how many picture hooks can end up causing major A/C leaks - prevent them from becoming an issue by memorizing where your home's drainage and airflow pipes are.

Are you still worried? Speak with a qualified professional.

Stop, wait a minute. Before you open your air conditioner and try to diagnose the issue, consider whether or not you're really doing a good thing. Minor repairs can quickly become expensive with the wrong skill set guiding the way, especially when it comes to complex mechanical equipment.

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