Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Portable Air Conditioning for Leisure Centres and Gyms

People go to leisure centres and gyms to:

- Feel better (both physically and mentally);
- Control their weight;
- Protect their overall health (both in the short and long-term);
- Improve their flexibility;
- Increase their stamina; and to
- Meet new people and make new friends.

They do not go to catch a cold! But, in fact, many people do. Why? Because the air conditioning system at the leisure centre and gym they use is poor and/or does not help reduce humidity without reducing temperatures to unbearable levels. In short, the room rapidly overcools, and users head for the showers.

Before we talk about the solution, let us take a look at the background to all this...

Not every leisure centre and gym in the UK is part of a state-of-the-art leisure complex; the shiny, happy result of a multi-million pound investment sometime over the past decade. Many are located in converted buildings that were originally intended for another purpose, not for personal fitness training, aerobics, badminton, or even salsa soul classes.

During the property's refurbishment, the cost of installing a hi-tech air con. system was simply prohibitive, or was even dismissed as 'not a priority'.

Modern, newly-built leisure centres and gyms can also lose members for the same reason. In their wisdom, the commissioned architects opted for a basic, no frills built-in air conditioning system from the get-go, assuming that would suffice. After all, people go to leisure centres and gyms to pump iron and clock up miles on a treadmill and are far too focused on reaching their fitness goals to think about air conditioning, right?


People remain loyal to their local leisure centre and gym (and recommend it) if the facilities are good, the cost is reasonable, the staff are friendly and helpful, and the environment has an ideal temperature. According to the International Fitness Association, 65-68 F is best for aerobics, cardio, weight training and Pilates and 80 F is best for Yoga areas with around 50 per cent humidity.

Seasonal factors affect the indoor temperature at a sports facility, of course; as can how many people are using the place (and which equipment is being used) at any given time.

So, why hire portable air conditioning? Why not just improve (or replace) the built-in a/c system?

A major reason is continuity.

If a fitted air conditioning system fails, leisure centre and gym managers without a contingency plan will lose money. But one call to an established portable air conditioning hire company could mean they avoid that. The external team will respond immediately to an emergency call out. They will have the products in place (and know which are most appropriate for a leisure centre and gym environment). Therefore the centre could continue to trade normally.

As part of a contingency plan, a reputable portable air conditioning company will always do a site survey and agree plans to safeguard an organisation from the consequences of an air con system failure.

As well as being the ideal emergency back-up option, portable air conditioning units for hire can be:

- Used immediately;
- Easily stored;
- Hired on a short contract basis, and then returned. With some sports halls and exercise rooms only being used during certain months of the year, this makes portable air conditioning units for hire a cost-effective alternative to a fixed system;
- The perfect 'stop gap' between the removal of an existing (fixed) air conditioning system, and the installation of a new one;
- Added to an existing air conditioning solution when extra air is required.

Leisure centres and gyms can have the best equipment in the world, but their members will go elsewhere if the temperature there is uncomfortable. Hiring portable air conditioning means that simply will not happen.

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