Monday, November 18, 2013

Heat Pump Repair: DIY Vs Hiring a Professional HVAC Contractor

Hiring a professional HVAC contractor for repair service can be expensive, but it can also save you the trouble and potential dangers associated with an amateur job. Some heat pump problems can be easily resolved by the average homeowner, while others require the expertise of a trained professional.

Rather than consuming energy to create new heat, or to cool the air, heat pumps simply move heat from one location to another. As a result, they can be cost-effective alternatives to traditional furnaces and central air conditioners. When it comes to heat pump repair, however, things aren't always so simple and efficient.

How do you know which problems to address yourself, and which require the expertise of a professional HVAC contractor? Read on to learn more.

Although pump repairs can be complex, many common issues can be remedied or avoided altogether with some simple troubleshooting and routine maintenance. The following are some heat pump problems you can easily address on your own:

  • Excessive noise: Heat pumps are designed to run quietly, so if you've got a lot of noise or rattling coming from your unit, you can pretty much trust that something is wrong. In many cases, the noise can be attributed to loose parts, such as screws, bolts, or belts. Check these components and tighten as necessary. If the noises continue, you may need to consult with your local HVAC contractor.

  • Lack of heating or cooling: The failure of a heat pump to heat or cool is often a result of improper pressure. Most pumps contain a gauge that will allow you to check the pressure. If it is too high or low, it may help to change the air filters.

  • Frost buildup: A frozen heat pump can be the result of dirt buildup in the filters and evaporators. Simply clean or replace the filters, and blow any dust or debris out of the evaporators. Then, defrost the pump (if it includes a defrost setting), or wait until the frost has cleared from the unit, and restart it.

  • Failure to turn on: It may seem obvious, but checking the power to a heat pump that won't function at all could save you the time and expense of a professional service call. You may want to try resetting the power supply before deciding to call an HVAC company.

If following these steps doesn't solve your pump problems, or if you're unsure of the cause of the issue, it's probably best to call in a team of experienced HVAC contractors. Problems with the thermostat, compressor, or refrigerant levels can be tricky and potentially dangerous for the average homeowner to try to resolve alone. When in doubt, call your local HVAC contractor. They'll be able to give you the expert guidance you need to safely repair your heat pump.

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