Thursday, November 28, 2013

Common Air Conditioning Mistakes

  1. Neglecting Filter Change and Maintenance
    Most manufacturers recommend changing / washing the air conditioning filter every 30 to 60 days. Changing the filter regularly not only improves the air quality but also helps you save electricity and can make your air conditioner last longer. Regular maintenance by your AC contractor not only ensures that your air conditioner is ready when you are ready to use it, but also keeps the efficiency up and prevents it from wearing out too quickly. Leaking refrigerant is a problem commonly detected by AC professionals. Even a loss of 10 % of the cooling substance (like R-410A or the older ozone-harming R-22) can result in a 20 % higher electricity usage and can reduce the lifespan.

  2. Using the Thermostat Incorrectly
    This point is simple but often neglected. Why should your air conditioner run when you are away from home for the entire day? Setting the thermostat a few degrees warmer when you are leaving the house for a longer period of time can save you up to a couple hundred dollars per year. Also, consider upgrading to a programmable or a WiFi-enabled thermostat, to give you even more control over your home's temperature. Also, did you know that your air conditioner runs more energy-efficiently at night than during the day? This is just another reason to have the AC temperature set warmer during the day and cooler in the evenings and nights.

  3. Using AC as a Ceiling Fan Replacement
    Making correct use of your ceiling fans can save you money on your electric bill. If you have a ceiling fan running in the room you currently occupy, you can probably set your thermostat 3 degrees warmer. Even though ceiling fans don't actually lower the room temperature, they cause the moisture on your skin to evaporate, giving you a pleasant chill. Although ceiling fans take electricity, they consume much less than your air conditioner. Just remember to turn off the ceiling fan when you leave the room.

  4. Keeping the Windows Closed
    An air conditioner only cools the air in your room and doesn't bring in new air from the outside. Opening the windows occasionally welcomes in fresh air and oxygen. Also, ushering in the cooler air in the mornings or late evenings can help you save energy.

  5. Thinking that Bigger is Better
    It is true that a bigger air conditioner cools your home faster than a smaller one. But having too large one has a couple of disadvantages. First, an oversized air conditioner will not run as efficiently because the cooling cycle is too short. This can also negatively influence the life expectancy of your cooling unit. Additionally, besides lowering the room temperature, it also lowers the humidity level. If the cooling cycle is too short, it cannot successfully lower the humidity. As a result, the air in your home will feel damp and moist.

    To find the proper size of air conditioner you need to know how much power (measured in Btu = British thermal unit) is needed to cool your home. Your local air conditioning contractor or an online Btu calculator will determine the right amount of Btu based on your room size and other factors.

  6. Turning Off Your AC Completely
    This advice is especially important for snowbirds, or anyone who lives in their home only part of the year. If your house has been sitting there with no air movement or humidity/temperature control for half of the year, you should not be surprised to see mold when you return. So, be sure to keep your air conditioner running for at least a little while each day you are gone. You also might consider upgrading to a WiFi Thermostat. WiFi Thermostats allow you to control your air conditioner from anywhere you have an internet connection and an electronic device like a smartphone, tablet, or PC.

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