Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tips to Save on Air Conditioning Unit Prices

Air conditioning unit prices vary depending on the brand, the size of the room and how powerful the unit is. Split type units may also cost more than window type air conditioners. Let's try to analyze the different types of cooling systems and compare air conditioning unit prices.

Most air conditioning units are supposed to cool a room or a confined place in a home or facility. There are some units though that are multi-purpose that cool or heat the room. These units are great for places with cold seasons.

There are split type units that have 2 components in one unit. One component is placed indoors to cool the room and has all the controls and switches while the other unit with the compressor and exhaust system is place outdoors. The window type of units are most common and less expensive than the split types.

Another factor that makes a difference in air conditioning unit prices is how powerful a cooling system is. Small air conditioners are usually more energy-efficient and will cost less in the long run. Some energy-efficient units can cost more than the older types but lately their prices have become a little more competitive and can match the price of traditional air conditioners.

The size of the room to be cooled can also affect the price of the unit you have to purchase. Air conditioning unit prices go higher the bigger the room is. This is because you will need a more powerful unit to cool the room to a desired temperature. The smaller the room, the cheaper the unit will be.

A small room, about a hundred to three hundred square feet will need a unit with 5,000 to 6,000 Btu.hr. A medium-sized room of around three hundred to six hundred square feet needs an air conditioner with 8,000 to 9,000 Btu/hr. capacity. And a large area as big as a thousand square feet will require a unit capacity of 10,000 to 15,000 Btu/hr.

The Btu/hr. is the unit of measurement to gauge the capacity of a conditioner's cooling power. Larger Btu/hr have? more powerful engines. The bigger the Btu/hr., the more expensive the unit will be. Don't neglect to take into consideration the height of the ceiling. The data above refers to standard room measurements. If the room has a high ceiling, you will need more horsepower in your unit.

Another factor to consider is the direction of the sun's rays in connection to your room and air conditioning placement. Try to position the unit away from direct sunlight. If your room gets a lot of sunlight then you may also need a more powerful unit. Another thing that can help you save is insulation. Insulation in a room prevents you from needing a more powerful and expensive cooling system because

Check the room for spaces and gaps where air can escape. You may wonder why you have a large enough unit but the room still stays warm. Cool air may be leaking out somewhere. Seal the spaces so you don't have to buy a more expensive air conditioning unit to compensate for lost cool air. Air conditioning unit prices vary depending on your specific needs. Find out what you need first before buying a unit.

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