Friday, July 19, 2013

Air Conditioning - Benefits For All

An air conditioner is equipment with an in-built mechanism which has been designed to maintain the indoor air temperature and humidity at the desired level by using a refrigerating cycle accompanied sometimes by an evaporation process. This air conditioning process is commonly used in houses, buildings and vehicles.
The air conditioning concept originally is known to have originated in Ancient Rome, where cool water was used in the circulation system built in the walls of houses with the purpose to achieve cooling. Similar cooling mechanisms were prevalent in medieval Persia where combination of cisterns and wind towers were used to cool the indoors in hot weather.

The modern day air conditioner however came up due to advancement made in chemistry science in the 19th century. First full scale air conditioner unit was invented by Willis Havilland Carrier in the year 1902.

Air conditioning has many benefits such as filtration, disinfection, cooling and humidification processes. Air conditioning can be well utilized to provide clean and germ free atmosphere in the operation theaters and healthy environment in patient rooms which is very critical for their recovery. It is also believed to have beneficial effect on the people suffering from various types of allergies including asthma.

In immense heat wave conditions, it can prove to be a boon and can save lives of children and elderly.

This equipment should be properly maintained at the optimum level of performance because ill maintained systems can promote the harmful micro organisms like Legionella pneumophila which is the promoter of very harmful Legionnaire's disease.

Similarly ill maintained air conditioner appliances begin to generate sounds which can reach high decibel levels and may contribute to hearing losses if people remain exposed to these sounds for a long period of time.

Air conditioning has many benefits as we discussed above in this article but this excellent technology available to us also comes with lots of responsibilities which includes proper equipment maintenance. This will result in efficient usage, good cooling and lower energy bills for you.

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