Monday, July 22, 2013

How Important Is a Firewood Storage Rack?

For those who live in the warmer side of the country, they would probably not comprehend why bother buying a firewood storage rack. But if you were from the hilly or cold zones, you very well know how important having a reliable firewood rack is.

When winter comes, every family loves building a fire and gathering around the fireplace to start a lovely time of meal and conversation. As the heat fills the room, the family starts to feel cozy and warm and they find a great reason why they love the cold season despite the intolerable chills at times. However, fireplaces are no good when there are no good woods to burn. This is where having a firewood storage rack plays an important role.

A firewood rack provides leverage to the woods for the ground. When elevated, ventilation is improved and this helps the woods to get rid of moisture. Moist logs can not produce good fire and therefore getting rid of moisture is very important. Well-dried logs easily yield ample fire and less smoke. Moist ones on the other hand, barely light up and when they do, they emit too much smoke.

If moist alone can affect the woods dramatically, what more if they get wet by rain, snow, and floods? If you only store your firewood on the ground, chances are you will not be able to save them during these situations, and even if you did, it may already be too late. Drying them once again may take a long time and you may not be able to use them anymore for the current period of cold season.

Another disadvantage of not having a shelf for your wood is vermin like snakes, lizards, and rats may dwell in them easily. This can be potentially harmful to all household members especially the children. When you have a rack for your firewood, you can make sure that your logs are kept safe and you can see through them easily whether there are "creatures" inhabiting them.

It also serves as your woods carrier so they can be easily transferred from one place to another wherever firewood is needed. When they need to be saved from moist or snow, it can also be easily done with one lift. Although you must know that in case you need a carrier which will serve more like a wheelbarrow for collecting woods, there is also one like that.

You can find a firewood rack at your favorite home improvement store, or you may also check online. Make sure that you get two so you can use one as your outdoor storage unit while the other one is for the indoor. Of course, the one you will use indoor is smaller.

Many people actually consider the rack's color and design especially when they are going to be placed inside the house. It should match the rest of the home furniture especially the fireplace mantle. Although not a very crucial factor, having a home that has coordinated furniture gives a better impression than one that does not.

So next time you want to gear up for winter, consider getting a rack for your firewood to ensure comfort and warmth all through the cold months.

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