Monday, January 13, 2014

4 Easy to Follow Tips to Cut Your Air Conditioner Power Consumption

Power consumption is one of the great urban myths of air conditioning. It's quite possible to get excellent performance out of your air conditioner with some very simple tricks and common sense. You can save as much money as you like.

Air conditioning myths

Air conditioning myths, like most myths, are basically wrong and usually misleading:

  1. "You need to keep the air conditioning on to maintain temperatures."

  2. No you don't. Quite the opposite. When the air inside has been cooled, it takes a long time to gain or lose heat, unless air's getting in from outside. Keeping the system on just wastes power. Many systems are designed to shut themselves down having achieved the right temperature, and only turn back on when they need to adjust. If you have one of these systems, you'll have noticed that can take quite a long time.

  3. "Air condition is energy inefficient."

  4. No it isn't. Modern air conditioners are designed with energy ratings, and power savers. Maybe 50-60 years ago they were inefficient, but definitely not now. Energy inefficiency in air conditioning is a contradiction in terms, for modern systems which base their energy usage on computer designed wattage.

  5. "Air conditioning doesn't really clean the air, it recycles it."

  6. Wrong. Air is filtered, going in and out. The only "cycling" involved is the heating and cooling cycles. There's no way air can get into, or out of, an air conditioner without filtering. (Imagine an air conditioner which actually let in dust, gas, etc. It'd break down in seconds.)

Power- What you need when you need it

Today's air conditioners are based on energy saving technology. The air conditioning industry began introducing energy savers when the appliance rating system came in, and the competition for most energy efficient air conditioners is ongoing.

You can save power with a simple flick of the remote, or by simply turning the system off when you've got the right temperatures. There's absolutely no need to keep a modern air conditioner continuously running, and Auto Mode can manage your power usage without you needing to do a thing.

Insulation and air conditioning

Insulation is important with air condition, because it dictates the temperature relationships between inside and out. A well insulated home reduces heat transfer from the outside, and makes your energy efficient air conditioner even more efficient.

Tailoring your system to your home

No two homes are identical, even in a block of units. Location, facing and light all play a role in environmental conditions. Even different rooms can have different requirements. All that's required for good air condition is the right unit for the right place. Air conditioning systems are designed based on their capacity to service an area. Smaller models are ideal for smaller spaces, and the bigger systems can service whole buildings efficiently.

You can easily find the right system, tailor made for your home, with a bit of online shopping. Ask the suppliers for professional advice, and you'll get an energy efficient system which saves money and provides great comfort.

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