Tuesday, December 17, 2013

HVAC - The Technology of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

HVAC stands for "Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning." It is a relatively recent form of technology that is largely dependent upon the use of electricity. It is also dependent on relatively recent advancements in science, such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.

HVAC is a specific branch of mechanical engineering, as well. As a technology, it is the result of technology that originated in the recent past of human history. The use of HVAC has played a role in the ability to make larger buildings, for the purposes of business as well as general production, as control of air temperature is necessary to provide a comfortable atmosphere and therefore increase productivity.

After the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, and the spread of electrical technology in the early 20th century, the management of production in capitalist economies began expanding a rapid pace. Factories and skyscrapers grew larger, and the need to regulate temperature, combined with the availability of the technology to do so, allowed for the control of air temperature to be installed in buildings, and larger buildings to be created. Investment Over time, buildings located in climates that required air control technology were built larger and larger, allowing for the expansion of production and the re-investment of capital into increasingly larger buildings. This economic feedback loop is a process that continues today as innovations occur in the area of technology.

While the existence of HVAC systems is the result of numerous scientific discoveries and advancements, the field of thermodynamics is of great importance. Many scientists contributed to thermodynamics, but one thinker in particular provided a key concept required for this technology to exist. Nicolas LēŸ‡onard Sadi Carnot was a French scientist and engineer who elaborated his theory of the Carnot cycle, which is a theoretical construct used to make temperature control as efficient as technologically possible.

The practice of heating buildings originally began much earlier in human history. Ancient Romans had heated air ducts in their buildings, and indoor heating has been a hallmark of Western civilization ever since. Air conditioning, on the other hand, requires the invention of refrigeration, which came after the discovery of thermodynamics. Because heat is energy, and cold is merely the absence of energy, in order to cool air, heat must be removed through some type of work to satisfy the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that temperature differences have a tendency toward equilibrium.

In air conditioning, heat is removed from air via refrigeration cycles that use some type of heat sink to move heat from one area to another. The process can also be used to heat, as its purpose is always to move heat from one area to another.

HVAC, as a system of technology has a rich and varied history, and much like the systems that thermodynamics describe, with energy transfer, cycles, and entropy, its history has involved various forces coming together at the right places and the right times in unpredictable ways. It has affected history and human production and is a part of our everyday lives to which we have grown accustomed.

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