Saturday, November 16, 2013

5 Simple Tips to Decrease Your Power Consumption

Wouldn't be great if you can control your monthly expenses? How would it be when you can take control over essential factors which increase your expenses monthly? Decreasing your power consumption will help you a lot to cut your electric bill. We all love tips and tricks so today I am going to share with you easy and valuable suggestions on how to decrease your power consumption and stick to a low budget. I will break down the common mistakes and wrong behaviors we used to do which results in elevated electrical power bills.

#1 Set Your Air Conditioner Temperature Wisely

Air conditioners are the most power consuming home equipment you can see but you have the opportunity to let them operate to your side. According ASHRAE (American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning) the best suitable temperature is 24c and relative humidity of 60%. Adjusting your AC thermostat to low temperature will result in longer working hours for the Air conditioner compressor to keep up a lower temperature and as a consequence decreasing your chance to decrease your power consumption. Make sure you adjust your thermostat to 24c or higher. You can expect to decrease your power consumption at least by 30% using this suggestion alone. If you have central AC in your building then you need to verify your thermostat type if the thermostat was not automatic I urge you to replace it into automatic one! The automatic thermostat will give you flexibility to take control over your air conditioner functionality. Adjusting your AC to run for certain number of hours at 24c or higher when you stay in your house and automatically switch off while you are away will be great and without doubt will assist you to eliminate your power consumption tremendously.

#2 Wrap Your Water Heater

Those who live in chilly states and have long winters can benefit from that tip so much. A usual 2000Watts water heater costs you average of $500 yearly in terms of power consumption but if you wrap your water heater in an insulation blanket or jacket this will decrease the leakage of heat stored in the water and increase the time which water remains hot inside the heater and so you can decrease your power consumption and your water heater usage by 25% to 45%.

#3 Unplug Your Gadgets

A Phantom current is the current drawn from your electronic gadgets when you leave them unplugged. In fact you must always unplug your electronic devices and appliances when not in use as leaving your appliances plugged to the electric socket will reduce your possibility to decrease your power consumption. Always check if you have unplugged your devices after you finish using them.

#4 Check The Energy Labels Before You Buy

Don't be impressed by a gadget design and nice looking colors. It is vital to check out the energy labels at the back of any electronic gadget or equipment you buy from the hyper market or the electronics mall. Why? Because there is always an alternative solution! Let's say you want to buy and iron machine you will find that iron machines ranging from 1000watts to 2400watts. Obviously the higher the wattage the more the power consumption and to be practical you won't need the 2400watts iron machine if you want to iron a shirt because 1200watts iron machine will do the job perfectly. Be smart when you shop for your electronics and see how much you can decrease your power consumption.

#5 Send Your Bulbs To The Trash

Ordinary bulbs consume a heck of power compared to the Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL's) and to decrease your power consumption you will need to replace them if you still use them! Even though CFL's are somehow more expensive than incandescent light bulbs - but they will offer you the equal amount of light with a longer life and the most vital thing is that they consume much less power. With a simple comparison you can notice that a "20 Watt" CFL will give you the exact same amount of light produced from five "20 Watts" incandescent bulbs, did you just decrease your power consumption by five times now? Sure you did! Also this will actually lower the heat generated from the bulbs and help your AC to operate for less time. to make your home cool. Switching to CFL is a must do to decrease your power consumption soon and save your money.

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