Monday, June 3, 2013

Basic Services Included by Most Air Conditioning and Heating Companies For a Yearly Check-Up

Many homeowners question whether yearly maintenance checks by professional air conditioning services are necessary for their air unit to keep running efficiently. Performing your own maintenance on your unit is a must and can prevent many common problems that air conditioning and heating companies deal with on a regular basis. A yearly check-up by a professional is also very beneficial. Their experience with various units allows them to perform various checks on components that you yourself may not be familiar with or that never cross your mind. Having your unit serviced regularly allows minor issues to be resolved without them going unnoticed and causing serious damage that can be very expensive.

Air conditioning and heating companies often offer the same basic services for yearly maintenance on air conditioning systems. Some will offer more for the same price and that is why it is good to compare before just choosing someone to provide this service to you. It is recommended that you have your unit serviced in the spring every year for it to operate at its best. Having your unit serviced does not guarantee that something will not go wrong throughout the warmer months, but it will drastically decreased the chances of a major repair being necessary. The purpose of a yearly service call is to find any small problems such as leaks and component malfunctions so they do not lead into larger repairs.

What basic things does this type of service call entail? The first thing most professionals check on air conditioning systems is the refrigerant or Freon level. If the level is low, your unit has a leak that must be repaired before more Freon can be added. After looking at the refrigerant level, all controls and electrical parts are checked to ensure they are operating appropriately. The evaporator coil and condenser coil may be cleaned if they determine it is necessary. Air conditioning services will oil the motor, calibrate the thermostat, and check the condensers. All filters will be examined and any that cannot be replaced easily by you will be cleaned or replaced if needed. Services other than these may be included depending on what the company offers.

Yearly service calls are also a good time for you to ask questions about your particular unit as far as proper care and maintenance. You can speak with the repair person and ask them what kind of maintenance you should be performing to preserve the effectiveness of your unit. A professional can tell you what needs to be done and how often. For example, you may have multiple filters that need to be changed at different time intervals. That can show you where each one is and go over when they should be checked and changed. Write down any concerns or questions you may have before the repairman arrives to service your unit and discuss them after they have looked at your unit. Regular maintenance can save you a lot of money and ensure that your home is cool and comfortable every summer.

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