Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Importance of Server Air Conditioning

If you run a network, so that your staff can send emails to each other, to transfer documents and data, and to keep backups, then you'll know just how important server air conditioning is. If you're not a network manager, then here's what you need to know.

1. It's essential that the server is at the right temperature, as the server and other related products won't work at their best. You'll find that if your server has problems, then it could well be to do with it being at the wrong temperature, or a lack of server air conditioning.

2. Computers and servers are prone to overheating, and will stop working properly if they're too hot and there's no server air conditioning. Whilst it might be annoying if your laptop crashes, or reboots itself, imagine what would happen if this happened to the server?

3. Without your server, you can reduce the efficiency of your IT. Perhaps your staff won't be able to work without the information on the servers. Perhaps your lifts will stop working. Maybe your security cameras will crash.

4. If your server does fail, then it's likely that it will need repairing. You might have an in house technical support team capable of doing this, or you might need to call an onsite engineer and arrange a visit, which means it could take days before your server is sorted out and up and running again.

5. If your server is beyond repair, then it'll need replacing. This can cause major downtime, and huge expense. If you weren't convinced before, you definitely won't underestimate the importance of server air conditioning now.

6. If your server air conditioning is not as effective as it could be then perhaps you'll need to change the layout of your server room in order to improve air distribution and get better ventilation.

7. You might be better off with a dedicated cold server room, rather than just having your servers in the corner of the room. By giving your network servers their own room, you can ensure that the room is cold enough for your servers to keep working properly.

8. It might be that you just need a small room for your servers. You'll have to ensure that there; is enough ventilation, and that there is the appropriate server air conditioning in order to keep the servers up and running so that the network runs properly.

9. A large server room with server air conditioning is a good idea, so that you can store your servers and have plenty of ventilation. You might also want to have a work station in there, so that you can monitor what's going on. You might also be able to carry out repairs and maintenance without having to take the server down.

10. It's hard to put a price on server air conditioning. You won't want to have the turn away business, or send your staff home because of the computer system, and you won't want to have to call out an engineer to replace your server or other network components on a regular basis because they overheat. The value of server air conditioning can't be overstated.

If you're fed up of your network going down, then perhaps it's time for you to install server air conditioning.

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